Chapter 3

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I was walking down the hall to my locker when I saw four teenagers walk out of the principles office. I just had to stop and stare for a second. They were simply gorgeous, the girls were model perfect with perfect hourglass figures and no make up on from what I could see. Silky Raven black hair, and another with stunningly bright blonde hair. And the boys, well the boys looked like walking sex, tall with perfect bodies that made me feel like I could pass out right then and there. I shook myself out of my daze and opened my locker taking my books for last period and getting rid of everything else I don't need. I was thinking about the last time I got to be in the water when the group of strangely good looking people stopped just before my locker and start talking.
" wow theres not a lot of people here." Said the Carmel haired girl.
" well cristy, that was kind of the point remember?"  The other girl told her raising her eyebrow. " we wanted to have more land to... Explore." She said looking around, to make sure no one was listening. She must have just noticed me when she was doing her evaluation of the group around us. She looked at me weirdly the tilted her head, sniffing the air. She suddenly got a surprised and confused look on her face then turned to the boy next to her and nudged him. Distracting him form the girl he was paying some attention to. "What?" He said,  but she didn't say anything just stared at him with a strangely blank face. He suddenly got the same look she had before and snapped his head over to me.
He stared to make his way over to me which made me blush and duck my head almost all the way into my locker trying to hide.
" hi" he said with a curious smile.
"Hello" I replied with a small voice. " what are you?" He asked With the same smile. I gave him a look that said what are you on and a look of understanding came to his face. " oh even you don't know." He gave me one more curious look then nodded to me gathered his friends and walked off. All my mind could say was "wtf" I could tell that all my classmates were all interested in the fact that he was talking to me, giving him and me questioning looks, he just waved them off and walked away. Although he didn't care that he held everyone's attention he continued waking with the whole student body staring after them.
After I finished last period and was walking out of school I was able to finally shake the oddness of that whole conversation. It was now my favorite part of the day, a time were I can escape my father, the kids who don't understand or know me at school and the weirdness of new attractive teenagers.
I walked my way to the forest that was just a little less than a mile from the school, and found my path that I have grown to now very well. I don't even really have to look for it anymore I just know where it is. I begin my journey to my safe haven, gliding around tree trunks that I swear were out to trip me. And after a good half an hour of walking I finally reach my destination. I look over the flowing waterfall that feeds my beautiful lake. This lake has shared many memories that I will cherish forever. My mom showed me this place before she died, she took me here a year before she first found out about her sudden decline in health. No one could tell us why she was dying and no one knew how to help stop her death. My father took it the hardest I think no longer thinking of his ten year old as his little girl, now just a constant reminder of the women he loved. I shook my head dispelling he dad thoughts, this isn't the place for negatively. My mom once told me. I pulled my shirt over my head and pulled my shorts down taking off my shoes and socks in the process and then in just my bra and undies I walked out into the lake. The cold may have bothered some other people but when it came to water it had never really effected me. So I continued walking until I reached the waterfall and then ducked my head under letting it soak my long blonde curls. The water has always had a calming effect on me, giving me strength when I had none and a friend when I don't, like now for example. I down here after school as often as possible to get away from the ignorance of high school and the hate I get at home. I stay in the calming water for as long as possible soaking in the peace that it offered then, regrettably, I start to make my way out of my safe haven to get dressed.
Once I am dressed I start my walk to my house. The feeling of peace stayed with me all the way until I got to my front door.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2016 ⏰

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