Chapter 3

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The party was in full swing now. It was about 11 and Stefan is suppose to come and pick me and Rose up at 1. There were different voices speaking at once, i was kinda drunk now but not total unlike some of the people at this party. Rose and damon disapered after a while, not sure where they are now and i havent seen Toni and John since the last time and Liam he has been by my side since he got me the first drink and now im on the 6th or maybe 7th drink. Thats the thing im not a light weight so i cant handle the drink unlike some of the people here anld Rose of course.

"Hey baby wanna go somewhere else?" I heard liam whisper in my ear.

"Erm sure but where though" Hold on did he just call me baby? eeeep.

"I dont know i was think maybe upstairs?"

"Lily, Lily where are you, your brother is outside waiting for you and Rose!"

I cant belive that bitch came with him ,Helena was shouting me through the crowd i thought if i went the oppiste direction she wouldnt noiice that was a big mistake in the end.

"FOUND YOU! Now get out side your brother is not in a happy mood!"

"what have you done now Helena? You always seem to make him mad!"

"NO ,i dont know ,find that stupid red haired friend of yours and get in the car before your brother comes in here and drags you out!"

I tried ringing Rose but there was no answer, then i tried ringing Damon to see if he would pick up and if she was with him and nope no answer, so we left with out her she will probably be in a bad mood with me tomorrow but oh well, im not really bothered to be honest i would rather be in my bed than be at a party.


Beep Beep

What the hell is that? i wake up with a headache from hell, i thought to my self i didn't drink much but i was drinking random things probably mixing wasnt the best idea in the world.

Beep Beep

I realsied my phone was ringing i looked at the ID but it had unknown i slid the screen to answer,


"hey is this Lily, its Liam from last night, i never got to say bye i turned around to get another drink then you were gone. I asked people where you got to but they were too drunk to even look at me to be honest"

I was a little confused to how he got my number.

"erm sorry can i ask, how did you get my number?

"you gave it to me last night when i got your 3rd drink, you needed the toilet so you gave me your number just incase you weren't back in 10 minutes!"

"Oh yeah now i kind of remember, last night was a big blur and especially at the moment as i have just woke up, hey can i ask what time it is?"

"sure the time is 2 in the afternoon"

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