Chapter 2

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I calmed myself down and snuck over to the lower beams.I wouldn't get a ton of points but could save myself from fslling and losing them.I've soent a bunch of flip Friday's in this gym to know how to win."448,449,450" I say under my breath.Tasha's team was still in the 300's so they just gave up and helped Natalie.I rub my sweaty palms on the mat and go to a competition beam.Giana quickly notices and hurls a double back off the beam.she stutters her steps and trips.An ambulance just pulled into the parking lot.

I chuck a backhand layout layout.I party inside my head (I haven't done those in like two months!!)"460,470 dang it!" I tumble iff the side of the beam and crash.I hop up and go to a lower beam."475,480,485,490!" I say louder.I'm getting so dizzy from these flips and Giana keeps tripping over herself.The ambulance brings a stretcher in and boards Natalie."YOLO!I'm chucking what Fling did on comp!"Coach leaves Natalie and starts walking over to me.I say goodbye to my life cuz' I'm not making out of this alive.

Next thing I know I'm on the beam.Giana storms off.Coach scolds me yet congrats me for I did HALF of what Fling did.THAT'S INSANE STILL!!!I twirl off the beam and strutt past Giana over to Natalie.She's cheering yet sobbing.Fling and I were chosen by Coach to go to the hospital with her while her parents come.I snatch my phone and bag and hop in the ambulance.On the ride over I dressed into a blue tie-die meet shirt and running shorts.(Cuz' that's what all gymnasts wear right?)Dling was being "operated" on by one of the nurses in the ambulance for her knee and shoulder.Cass is texting me during water break on how she will necer survive this week."Will I survive this week?!" Natalie sobbs.

Were at the hospital and Natalie's parents still haven't shown up.Fling calls them but they don't respond.Natalie is getting an X-ray and we cant talk with her about them.Fling is in a sling and can't do anything (lol).So we both have just been scrolling on Instagram for hours.

She finnaly came out with a big pink cast over her leg.Fling and I gasp and she gives us a "My career is ruined yet I'm gonna smile" look."Next re-cast,remember green Nat."Fling laughs.Natalie whips out a green sharpie and has her sign it.I sign my beautiful yet ridgy signature with a heart at the end."Thanks Charlette."Natalie sighs.I push her down the hospital halls with Fling following calling her mom to pick us up.

"Hannah-err Fling,Natalie's parents called me and said they would still be in Seattle for another week and just can't come back.We can't take Natalie in for that long."Mrs.Dasling cringed.Grace was in the car coaxing Natalie to calm down."Hey sis,How did practice go?Anyone able to take Natalie in?"Grace's head shoots up and shakes her head no."Oh my god Giana went insane on us once you guys left.And Cass started a fight with Olivia on bars and it was just terrible."Grace weeped.The car ride was just super stressful.

Natalie lived in her leotard.She could only stay with the Dasling's for two days and couldn't take her leo off over her cast.My parents said she could spend the rest of the week at our house but her parents called and said they would be gone for another two weeks in Kansas City.My parents are going to a concert and won't be Home.Natalie was just a ball of anxiety.

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