I Need You Chapter One

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Chapter One: 

"C'mon Paul! I have to show you something!" I cried to my best friend as we ran down the street. "I'm coming! I'm coming!" He laughed as he ran up next to me. We ran up the front steps of my house and into my room. "Alright, are you ready?" I asked. "Yes, of course!" Paul replied out of breath. "Okay, take a look at this!" I said as I handed him the new Elvis Presley record. "Wow! How'd you get your 'ands on this?" Paul asked. "My friend's dad works down at the docks, she got it and sold it to me." I said as I placed it onto my record player. We both loved rock 'n roll. We were always listening to Buddy Holly and Little Richard and other American rock 'n roll stars. Paul had fallen deeply in love with music after his mother had died. I guess it was his way of dealing with the pain. He was an amazing guitarist too and his voice was beautiful! We turned it up all they way and sat and listned. "Hey, I'm going to the garden fete at the Woolten Parish Church tomorrow if you want to come with me." He said breaking the silence. "I'd love to!" I said sitting up. "Great, be at my house at 7:00 tomorrow. Okay?" He smiled. "Okay!" I replied and we went back to listening. After a while we heard my mum downstairs. "Paul? Paul! Paul McCartney!!!!!" She cried. "Yes Mrs. Peterson?" He asked. "That was your father on the phone, he wants you to come home now." She said. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow at 7:00." Paul smiled as he walked down stairs. "Don't forget!" He cried. "I won't!" I giggled as he walked outside. "Have a nice evening Mrs. Peterson. She nodded as he closed the door. My mum rolled her eyes. "Laura, why must you hang out with a Teddy Boy like him?" She asked. "Mum. He's not a Teddy Boy." I huffed. "Yet! He isn't one yet! But if he keeps up this rock 'n roll buisness he will be!" She scolded. I laughed and started up the stairs. "Just you wait! This rock 'n roll fad will blow over soon enough and when it does you will be listening to Bach and Beetoven just as much as you listen to that Billy Holly boy!" She cried. "That's Buddy Holly." I replied. "Oh it doesn't matter." She huffed. "Oh and turn down that record!" She cried as I went into my room. I turned it down and crawled into bed. I fell asleep to Love Me Tender.

-- July 6th, 1957 --

I was at Paul's by 7:30 and we were on our way. We made it to the church just as a band took the stage. They played rock 'n roll and skiffle music. Boy were they great. Paul really enjoyed it. After they left the stage he was still in a daze. "You should go talk to them." I said. "What? No." He replied. "Oh come on! You really liked them! And you could even play something for them! Maybe get in the group. "Yeah right." Paul laughed. "You said yourself that you wanted to be in a band!" I said nudging him. He sighed. "Fine. I'll go." He said as he walked away.  I followed and went with him. I knew he wouldn't say a lot so I was going to help him. "Uh, hi." He stammered. "Well 'ello." The leader of the group laughed. His hair made him look like Elvis. He looked much older than us. "My name's Paul." He said. "John." he replied sticking his hand out for him to shake. After silence I spit out. "Paul can play the guitar." "Oh really?" John laughed. "Yeah, and he can sing too." I replied. "And who are you his manager?" He asked. "No, I'm a friend." I said. "Oh I see. You too are lovers? Is that it?" He asked. "No, I told you. We are friends. You should really hear him play though! He is great!" I said changing the subject. I had always fancied Paul and secertly wanted to be more than friends. But I never told him that. "Just listen to him." I begged. "Alright, here." He handed Paul a guitar and he started to play. When he was finished, John smirked. "You're pretty good." John said. "Thanks." Paul said. "I guess you're in." He said. "What?" Paul asked. "I mean, that is why you played for us?" John said. "You mean I can be in the band?" Paul asked. "If you want." John smirked. "Thanks so much!" Paul said as we walked away. "I told you that your were great!" I cried. "Thanks, if it were not for you I wouldn't have gone up to them. Thanks Laura." He smiled as he hugged me. "See you tomorrow!" He smiled as we walked seperate ways. 

I Need You // Paul McCartneyWhere stories live. Discover now