CHPT.1 The Bad News

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It was a warm,summers evening and I was looking forward to hanging out with my BFF'S Leah and Tia.

We planned on going to
KFC's for the evening,a girls night out.They thing is that my parents don't know about it.

Its roughly 10 'o clock at the moment and I was ready to go.

I went to the window to check if they were there and they were behind a bush,Tia was looking at her watch and mumbled something to Leah.Most likely about when I was going to come,I giggled and opened the window,it creaked a little and I stopped dead still(im cautious when it comes to things like this)I was glad I didnt wake up my parents,they'de have a fit.

I put my foot on the sill and I wobbled a bit but I held on so I didn't fall,phew.I soon put my other foot down beside the other,scooted down the porch and jumped,landing on my feet.

I saw the Leah's shiny,black hair and sparkly,blue eyes.
I also saw Tia's glasses reflect off the light of the moon and you could see her dazzling,white teeth for miles.
"Emma get the fuck over here"Leah barked.
I jogged over.
"Whats up with you smartass?"I asked bitterly.
She burst into tears.
Whoa,I didnt know I had that effect on people.
"Taylor broke up with me before I came"she said between sobs.Then she added,"He put Bella before me.I got angry and started shouting at him,I'm a horrible person"
"NO,NO YOUR NOT,LEAH YOUR NOT A HORRIBLE PERSON"I said in a shout whisper.Leah agreed and dried her tears.
Tia stood there frozen,she didnt want to get involved.

I scanned them,I could make out there outfits.

Leah:White jeans,red tank top,red converse and a white poncho.

Tia:dark blue jeans,flowy aqua blouse,aqua vans and a leather jacket around her waist.
Their clothes were so much nicer than mine.

Me:Black long-legged jumpsuit,white roaches and a white denim jacket.

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