Chapter 8 - Lea

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•OMG fuys I am seriously so sorry that I haven't updated in FOREVER. A lot has been going on with school and everything and I barely have time to even think about updating. But here it is. I felt bad so it's a bit longer. Enjoy!•


•Charlotte's POV•

When we finally got back from shopping, which may I add was so fun, we started to unload the outrageous amount of things from the back of my aunt's SUV.

Altogether we had bought a twin bed (even better than the one that I had bought before), a dresser, a vanity set, black and white throw pillows for my bed, a big purple comforter, a bunch of decorations for around the room, a desk and to top it all off, basically a whole new wardrobe.

We had gone to the mall that I didn't know existed and bought everything we needed for my room. My aunt then insisted that we go shopping for clothes so we ended up going to all of the popular shops in the mall. The total for all of the clothes was somewhere around $300. I tried to stop my aunt but she wouldn't allow it. She paid for it anyways and then dragged me back to the car.

Now here we are unpacking everything and setting it up in my new room. I watched as the moving guys brought in the last box, which happened to be my new bed, and started to put it up. Meanwhile, I helped my aunt set up my desk and chair.

"Char, be a dear and go get me a glass of water would you?" Aunt Jane asked and I nodded, getting up and leaving the room. I walked down to the kitchen and opened up several of the cupboards before finding the cups.

I grabbed one and walked over to the fridge, filling the cup up with water and adding a couple pieces of ice to keep it cold. I walked back upstairs to find that my bed was now all set up and all we had to do was put all the decorations in place.

"Thank you Charlotte. If you want, you can go ahead and start decorating. I'm going to go downstairs and watch my shows for a while. Just call me if you need anything." She smiled and walked out.

I grabbed the bags and started to search through them until I found the comforter and pillows we bought.

I ripped open the package and started to put it on my bed. I made sure that there was no crinkles in the comforter and then started arranging the pillows. I put two big white pillows at the head of the bed and then proceeded to place to square pillows in front of them. To finish it off I placed one fluffy pillow in front of all the pillows.

I was happy with my work so I went on to the next decoration. I searched trough the bags until I found the small can of black paint we had bought. I grabbed the pan and the paintbrushes and poured some paint into the pan. I went to wall opposite of my bed and started to paint a large black flower. When I was done, I grabbed another small can of paint and the other brush.

I walked over to the white wall and started to gently stroke the brush. I ended up adding bright lavender accents to flower to make it look more mature. I also added the words 'wake up and smell the flowers' in black italic letters underneath the flower.

I stepped back to admire my painting. I've always had a passion for painting, but never told anyone about my talent. I would always doodle on my notebook in class to take my attention away from all the horrible comments.

It was getting pretty late so I laid down on my new bed and grabbed a book. As I was reading, my eyes started to flutter close.

Just before I fell asleep I smiled and muttered, "This was a good day,"


•Here you have it. The next update should be soon so please don't leave. Leave a comment and tell me what you think. It would mean so much to me. Anyways have a nice day! Bye!•

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