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He straightened up and waited for my dad's response. He didn't say anything. My dad simply stared at him. He took a few steps closer until finally,

"Toshiro, you got old! You're hair's silver!"

"DAD!" I yelled in exasperation, "We've always had the same color hair!"

Toshiro gets a little red.

"Eh? Oh, I guess you're right. Okay, go play!" dad said.

My mother smacks him upside the head.

"Did you eat breakfast?"

Toshiro shook his head,

"But it's alright, really," he assured my mom, just as his stomach growled.

"Uh huh, go eat; Ikuto made waffles."

"Okay." he obeyed, embarrassed.

I giggled.

"Since my dad made it, it's actually edible."

He chuckled.

"I'm not that hungry. I can just eat what's left."

I gave my leftover waffles; I'm not a morning eater. While he ate, I snatched the disc from him. I walked over to the living room and started the download. I heard the clank of him putting away the dishes. He walked over and sat on the floor. I sat in his lap, like usual. Toshiro is a lot taller than me so he doesn't really mind. We play for a few hours. We both like to move around when we play. So eventually, I've tackled him, but then he rolls over on top of me.

"What are you doing to her?" My mother suddenly appears in the doorway. "At least go into her room."

Toshiro blushed.

"Y-you're misunderstanding." He tries to correct her thoughts.

"Oh really? Then why are you 'riding' her?" she asked.

I tilted my head.

"What?" I asked her.

"Oh, don't worry about it. Toshiro will guide you through quite nicely, right?" she winks.

Toshiro went beet red.

"If you really want to know, it's an adult thing." My dad hugs her from behind and then smiles at us. I sat up, slamming my head into Toshiro's chin.

"We aren't dating!" I insist once again, rubbing my head.

"Didn't we tell you dear? We care about our daughter's future love life."

"Can't you just let your daughter play her video games!?" I huff.

Toshiro pats my head.

"It's okay, they care about you."

"And apparently, so do you. A little too much for mere friends."

I completely give up on fighting. I take the disc out and drag Toshiro to my room so we can play in peace. We pretty much spend the whole day playing the game. My parents were sane enough to let him stay for lunch and dinner, "joking" here and there. It got pretty late, and he started to worry about staying too long.

"Thank you for dinner. It's late I'll be going home," he said, putting away his dishes.

"Why don't you stay over? You know, since it's late and you're probably just going to come over tomorrow." my mom offers.

"Oh, but I didn't pack any clothes though, I think I'll be fine, I can just walk back like usual," he said politely.

I giggle at his attempts to remain polite.

"Don't you have some clothes here?" she asked.

He slowly nods his head.

"Then you guys can just hang out here," my dad winks.

I walk to the garage where he had some extra clothes from when he stayed here a few months ago; his apartment had to be vacated and our house is on the larger side. My dad had pulled Toshiro to the side, warning him about my nightmares and what he can do to calm me down, probably. I wasn't listening. Either way, Toshiro already knew. Toshiro met me at the doorway to the garage.

I walked back upstairs with him, ignoring my parents', well more like my dad's flirting. I sighed. Oh, the problems of having the youngest parents ever. They are actually ageless, so they look like they are in their early twenties. We played little bit more until I fell forward from being half awake. He gently picks me up and places me on my bed.

"Good night," he said, patting my head.

"Night," I yawn and hug him.

He smiles and kisses my forehead. He walked into the guest room, which was next to mine. I welcomed the sweet darkness of sleep, but the sweetness quickly turns into thick, hot air. The same nightmare replayed itself. The screams, the blood, the pain, death, all made itself known again. I wake up slowly, to the cold touch on my cheek. Toshiro's face came into focus.

"Nightmare?" he asked gently.

He wipes away my tears and sits by my legs. I nod.

"Sorry, did I wake you up?" I ask.

"I heard you crying, but don't worry about it," he reassures me.

"I'm sorry," I say.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" he asked, stroking my hair.

I slowly nodded my head. That is probably what Dad told him to do. My dad knows I need physical comfort, but it's a little too dangerous sleeping with my parents, so I usually sleep through the nightmares. Plus, I don't like it, although my mom said I'm in was really careful about this kind of thing and wouldn't do it without permission.

He lifted the blanket as I moved over. He slipped in and held me tight to him. I allowed myself to relax. Being in someone's arms really makes sleep come easier. Toshiro stroked my head until I fell asleep.

A/N: Mother wrote in some parts of my story so if there is anything weird or the like, it was probably her. ex. that scene during video game play...

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