Philias (A)

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  ~ A philia is the love or obsession with a particular thing or subject. The suffix -philia is used to specify the love or obsession with something more specific. It is antonymic to -phobia.

The Greek word philia refers to brotherly love, including friendship and affection. This contrasts to the Greek terms eros, or sexual/romantic love, and agape, or detached, spiritual love.

What follows is a list of words that have the suffix -philia.  

1. ailurophilia - Love of cats

2. ammophilia - Love of sand and sandy places

3. Anglophilia - Love of English and/or England

4. anthophilia

5. apodysophilia

6. apotemnophilia - Desire to amputate a healthy limb

7. arctophilia - Love of Teddy Bears

8. astrophilia - Love of astronomy

9. audiophila - Love of recorded sound

10. Australophilia - Love of Australians and/or Australia (lit. love of the south)

11.autogynephilia - Love of oneself as a woman

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