48 * Graduation

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I am currently rewriting this whole idea! After rereading this disaster, I decided it wasn't worth salvaging. THE WHOLE SERIES WILL BE IN ONE BOOK, WHICH SOUNDS INTENSE, BUT IT MEANS THERE'LL BE NO STUPID DAMNED FILLERS. AND WAY LONGER CHAPTERS! (I hope?)

Also, I'll try to edit my chapters more! >_<

It'll be different. Like, big-time different. In the whole intro thing I did in the beginning, I say "Hopefully not cliched!"

Well, Jem, congrats, it's a big cliche *Round of applause*

Since writing this, I've literally gone into a hidey hole, written practically nothing, binge-watched Supernatural and Miraculous Ladybug, and now I think I'm ready to write something worth reading.

The good news?

(Since when was there bad news, it's not like I'm deleting the book or someone's copywriting me :| )

Hayden isn't gonna change. I wouldn't let that happen.

So, please, check out the new book, which will have more character development, more diversity, more uniqueness in general, and a way better, not fucking crazy plot line that had my head spinning in circles.

I hope you enjoyed this book anyway, because I'm kind of proud of it, considering I actually finished a whole novel. No matter how many spelling mistakes. 


Any who! 

Chapter 48: Graduation 

"Zero days until graduation." A voice whispered in my ear. I turned around and gave Hayden a hug. "Got your valedictorian speech?"

*If you skipped the author's note, you'd better be readin' it. :P *

I gulped. "Yeah... It's short."

"Who cares?"

I smiled, wiping the sweat off my palms on my robes (Glamorous, I know) 

"This is it."

"You're so dramatic." I said. "I was trying meditate!"

"What, at the back of a busy school hall?"


"This is an enormous deal for just a handshake and a piece of paper." He whispered. 

"You're an enormous deal for someone who can't do his hair in the morning. You're graduating, idiot!"

"I know, my mom's already attacked me and started crying. I'm the only one out of three who should be graduating, so she has to make it count." 

I squeezed his hand. "Sh!t really hit the fan this year, didn't it?"

He laughed. 

Eventually (And I say, eventually) the names were called out. We lined up on the stage after a warm smile, a handshake and a piece of paper from the headmaster. Cameras flashed. People cheered. Somewhere, a baby was crying. 

It was actually Charleton, and I saw Harriet carrying him outside as the headmaster walked up to the podium. 

"To the class of 2015." 

There was a deafening round of applause. I smiled down at my hands. 

"I am very proud of my students. One person that I am particularly proud of is in dire need of recognition. Every year, I ask to award her the Bryton Academic Award, and every year she declined to give other students a fighting chance. Now, after four years at Bryton High, I am proud to announce that our valedictorian is the first to receive the Most Outstanding student in the history of Bryton High, and recognition on our wall of fame for her intellectual brilliance. Please welcome, Charlotte Lest." 

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