"It's not that good, as I said." One of the boy's muttered. "Don't get why you wanted to do taijutsu on the training dummy, Yashamaru."

"I want to do taijutsu like nee-chan and..."

Karura quickly placed her hands over the boy's mouth, just as some of the first years wandered in. Rasa's nephew hung back, watching them, his head tilted to the side, almost as if Sasori were bored with the entire day. A few students from her class, including the two girls who gossiped about her. The auburn-haired five years old noticed them and hurried over. "Have you seen Rasa."

Yashamaru pushed his sister's hand away. "Sasori-chan! Why are you looking for Rasa-nii?"

Karura flinched, watching the other children take notice of Yashamaru's over familiar behavior towards a relative of the Kazekage. A few also glanced at the girl who had befriended Karura, but she paid no mind. One of the girls stepped forward. "Why don't you show us your taijutsu skills? I mean, you simply join the class, and nobody knows what you're capable of?"

"You can find out during class. We need to be going."


"What are you going to do to make me?"

"I could threaten to hurt your brother."

"Yashamaru can take care of himself." Karura watched the girl's eyes drift, lighting on Sasori. The auburn-haired child stood nearby, and she reached out to grab him roughly. "I could do something to him."

"Kumihimo..." The girls friend backed off slightly, and many of the students looked around for a teacher. Karura didn't know if any of the kids sneak off to get a teacher.

A sandy-haired seven-year-old had to pipe up at that point. "Hey, Sasori-chan, you could bite her. It is self-defense you know."

"Yashamaru!" Karura glared at her younger brother, not liking the way he continued to smirk.

"I can't! I don't want everyone me! I want Rasa!" Sasori began to struggle.

"Plus she's a girl. You know the rules about girls, Yashmaru."

"I thought you were only supposed to not hit a girl."

"It's not just hitting." Karura watched the other girl. "Fine, I'll attack the training dummy."

"No, attack me. Rescue him. That's your duty as a shinobi."

Karura's indigo eyes narrowed, and her chakra suddenly intensified in a manner which made Yashmaru back off, the smile on his face quickly disappearing. The sandy-haired seven-year-old choked out his next words. "Now you've done it. You've made Karura nee-chan really mad."

"Oh shut up!" Kumihimo didn't watch as Karura walked over to the training dummy. "It's not as if..."

The sandy-haired girl took a deep breath, closing her eyes, the realization this would cause a lot of trouble rushing through her head. With one quick movement, her fist punched into the face of the dummy, making the wooden pole it was on to snap. It flew back into the wall, and a few cracks ran up. Karura turned to the girl, cracking her knuckles. "Do you really want me to attack you?"

Karura watched the girl stammer, only to hear a teacher's voice. "I heard that young lady! I'll need you to stay here until your grandfather gets here."

Her indigo eyes drifted to the ground, her throat tightening. Everyone stared at her, boring their eyes into her small body.


"Hold it!" Kankuro folded his fingers into a cross and held it out as if he were chasing away from the vampire. "I told you. Our mother did things in a very lady like manner. There is no way any of this happened."

"Why not?" Gaara piped up, making the children sigh at the oddball conversation going on between the two brothers.

"Because... because she's like Lady Tsunade!"

"But Lady Tsunade is very lady like."

"She is not Gaara! Don't you remember? She gambles."

"Can't you be ladylike and gamble?" Gaara's comment made Shikadai collapse downwards so he could bury his head in his hands. The auburn-haired Kazekage noticed the action of his nephew and tilted his head. "What?"

"It's not ladylike." Sarada piped up.

"No, it's not ladylike." Chocho munched on her food, spreading crumbs everywhere. "Hey, is..."

"We don't want to know who you think your parent is now." Shikadai's fingers twisted into his ponytail.

"No. I was wondering if maybe Lady Karura and Lady Tsunade aren't related in some manner."

Boruto bust out laughing. "Really? I doubt that. That would mean Shikadai's related to Lady Tsunade."

"Kill me now. It's bad enough my uncle just talked about being ladylike in a manner which implies he should be ladylike."

"I did?" Gaara's eyes widened.

Metal Lee's lips pushed together, thinking things over carefully. "You know, I think you did. I don't think there's anything wrong with a guy acting in a ladylike manner, though."

Kankuro's voice boomed out. "Hell, there is! Don't give the Kazekage ideas, twirp. Can we please just continue with the story? Oh, and nothing to worry about Shikadai. No way we're related to that woman. No way at all."

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