First question :)

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Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

So this updated was supposed to be a month ago but i was caught with college and all

Didecated to MadamePadilla
Cause it's her questions ^_^
Thank you for being the first to ask sis


-How does it feel when you wear niqab?

-Emmmm wearing niqab i feel free and protected;

Free of trying to impress people, free in my expressions free to gaze at anywhere and smile without anyone thinking you fell in love with him lol XD
Protected from the gaze of heart diseased people (men) and protected from sun too!


-when did you started wearing niqab?

I started wearing niqab in the middle of my first year in secoundary school (high school) wich means 15 years old, and it's three years ago alhamdulillah <3


Don't be shy to comment or ask anything :)

I'm waiting for you ;)


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