Serious topic

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Ok so this week and last week in school we learned about the Holocaust. I hate every bit about this. Oh and here's something messed up, I was called hitler for being part Austrian and a Nazi for being part German. We met with a holocaust survivor last Thursday and she told us a lot of things. Then today we watched a movie called The Boy In The Striped Pajamas and this was probably the saddest thing I've ever watched.

   It was about a family who moved near a consiontraiton camp because their father was in the German army. A 8 year old boy named Bruno and another 8 year old Jewish boy named Smohl. They were friends in secret until the parents decided to take the kids far away, while the father stays. Bruno tells Smohl and he decides to help Smohl look for his father In the camp. But smohls father is dead. The parents of Bruno discover he is missing and look for him. They find his clothes by a hole he dug to get in the camp. Meanwhile Bruno and Smohl are put in a gas chamber and spent their final moments holding each other's hands. When the father gets to the chambers you can tell by the look on his face that he realized that what the nazis are doing is wrong and you only because his son died.

It's a Disney movie to  

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