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So, I've been watching Onision all day long

I completely agree with him about Christianity

Like the bible is bullshit

1. The bible says it's okay for you to rape someone as long as you pay their dad and marry the victim
Also, you're not allowed to divorce them
2. Gay people= death
All gay people and non-believers are to be killed
Well fuck now I know I'll be killed if I come out
3. If you have a tattoo, you're going to hell
4. Loved ones are irrelevant and you should only care about God and Jesus.
Love no one and nothing but Jesus and heaven
5. The bible supports slavery
It literally fucking supports it
I'm not making this up
6. God drowned most of his children
7. Supports beating women, young and old girls and children
8. If you are not Christian you are to be killed

The bible's all love, peace and joy right?

It's good to know my family supports something worse than Hitler.

Also, did you know hitler supported the bible and was Christian? [apparently I'm not too sure about this]

How lovely

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