First Bite by my Best Friend

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" I've seen you finally woken ________." Kaname tried to touch my bite mark but I back away from him  " I won't hurt you"

" It's not you won't hurt me, I just don't trust you" I sigh

" ________! He wants to help you !" She said fiercely

" Allow me." He asked again

I sigh and let him touch my neck that has been bitten " I see that the bleeding have stopped, but he bit into you rather deeply"

" I'm fine.. it"ll heal up soon" I sigh looking away 

So He truly became a vampire..

* knock knock *

" kaname would you mind heading back to class. It seems the night classes are smelling the scenes of blood which got them rather curious ." Said the headmaster

" Yes of course. ________ take care and be careful ." Kaname said and left the nursery room

" I took zero back to his dorm after he took you to the nursery _______. He seems to calm down a bit but I see you seemed surprised of not finding out about zero, yuuki. This isn't why I hope to tell you,I'm sorry"

" But why ! I didn't once think zero was a vampire!" Yuuki argued

" before, he was human ." I said

" Be...fore." She looked at me confused " _________ you knew?"

" somewhat.. I was there when the pureblood attacked zero's family"

" Is that all you saw ?" The headmaster asked

I didn't say a word

" I see."

I got off the nursery bed putting on my jacket " I'll be going now oh and headmaster I'm going to need a new uniform, it got torn because of my duty " I said and walked out

So those pills I saw in the bathroom, it was zero taking them and what he had carrying in him.. Those blood tablets, are for vampires . I've should have known sooner. I was blind to see it right in front of me..

I kept walking by the building overhearing some what's conversation's " So,headmaster how long are you to kept zero in the day class." It was kaname again with headmaster?

" Well, I never had a day class student transfer to the night class."

" You must have zero transfer to our class you have no other choice. "

they want to put zero in the night class? That would cause a major scene since of his big hate or vampires.. no no.. zero.. you should of told me.. so I could help you or tell you.. I'm going through the same thing..

|The Next Day|

" _________." It was yori calling me out

" Oh, yeah?" I said spaced out

" You ok ?"

" Yeah I'm fine." I gave her a small smile

" I'm worried about you ________ , I've noticed that you have a bandage on the side of your neck. " yori said

" oh this? it's no big deal. I was being clumsy and I hurt myself while I was doing something on duty with zero"

He's not here.. today..

* school bell rang*

" ok class, I'm going to call who's here or absent, please go to your seats" the teacher said

My best friend is a vampire.....well I'm as wellNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ