Chapter 1

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Kylie's P.O.V.

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I groan while sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I reach over to my night stand and grab my phone to look at the caller ID. It read 'Tay Tay✌'. I quickly answered and held the phone to my ear.

Kylie: Heyyy

Tay: Hey K bear

Kylie: Taylor! You know how I feel about that nickname!

Tay: Whatever. I have a surprise for you.

Kylie: How the fuck do you ha--

I was cut off by the doorbell ringing.

Kylie: Tay I have to go. Some idiots ringing the damn doorbell.

After I hung up I ran down the stairs to the front door. I was speechless at the sight in front of me. He picked me up and twirled me around in a circle. When he set me down realization finally hit me. "TAYY!" I screamed and pulled him in for a hug.

I heard noises so I pulled away from the hug and looked towards the door. There were many boys standing there watching us almost as confused as I was. "Tay, who are they?" I ask, beyond confused. "These are the Magcin boys. Shawn, Cam, Nash, Hayes, Jack G, JJ, Matt, and Carter." He says pointing to them one at a time. One of them cleared their throat. "Umm, Taylor, who is the fan?" One asks. I throw him a dirty look before Taylor speaks. "Guys, this is my sister, Kylie." He introduces me. They all say 'hi' or 'hey' while I stand there not doing anything.

After about a minute of awkward silence I start walking up the steps. "Where are you going?" Tay asks. "My room." I answer bluntly, not even looking at him.

Once I get to my room I shut and lock my door before plopping down on my bed. I groan and pick up my phone, Selena texted me.

Selena 😍✌: Heyy! Wanna hang later today??

Me: Yeah sure! Meet at the mall??

Selena: Ofc bitch!!

I don't reply and just get up and walk to my bathroom. I shut and lock that door too. I grab my speaker and connect it to my phone through BT. Once the music starts I turn the shower on and start getting undressed.

After washing my hair body and shaving I step out and wrap a towel around my body. I plug in my blow dryer and quickly dry my hair. After that's done I put it away and plug in my straightener. Next I go back into my bedroom and walk to my dresser, while singing along to my favorite song. The Weight by Shawn Mendes. Yes, I now know that he is a part of Magcon. When Taylor left I didn't bother keeping up with what he was doing.

My outfit consisted of undergarments, a white T-shirt that said Nothing To Wear in black and black ripped skinny jeans. Once I put my outfit on I also slipped on some no show socks, and walked back to my bathroom to straighten my hair.

After I was done with my straightener, I pulled my bangs back and clipped them with a white bow. I then took out my makeup. I put on mascara, curled my eyelashes, eyeliner on my waterline, chapstick, and a little blush. After my makeup I put in my contacts and shut my music off walking out of the bathroom, shutting the light off. I slip on my low top converse and put on a necklace before running down the steps with my keys in my hands, and my phone in my back pocket.

As soon as I was about to walk out the front door, Taylor stops me. "Where are you going?" He asks. "Out." I answer. As soon as I open the door I remember something and quickly run up the steps and into my room. I open my nightstand drawer and take out three medicine bottles. They are for my bipolar disorder, ADD, and ADHD. After I take one from all three bottles I swallow them without a problem.

I make it back downstairs and run out the door. I climb into my car and head to the mall. I'm glad Tay didn't ask me why I ran back upstairs, or to eat breakfast. I'm not hungry.

I made it to the mall and walk in to see Selena right by the entrance. When she sees me she screams and starts running towards me, and I do exactly the same. We met in the muddle and hugged for about a minute. We got funny looks but does it look like we care?? Umm, hell no.

After hours of shopping at all kinds of stores, Selena had to go home. She told me that she would text me later today. So I walked out to the parking lot and walked to my vehicle. After shoving my bags into the back seat I climbed into the front seat and started the car turning the music up as loud as I could.

When I got home I sighed and grabbed my bags and carried them to my room and just threw them in the middle of my floor. I looked at the time and it was only 2:45. I groan and fall backwards. When I hit the floor my back and head start to hurt. "OUCH!" I screamed out. I hear footsteps running up the stairs, but I just stay where I am. Taylor, Nash, Shawn, and Cameron are all standing in the doorway. "What the fuck?" Cam says so confused. "What did you do?" Tay asks with a knowing face. "You see what happened was, I got lazy and was tired of standing so I fell backwards, and now we are here." I say with an innocent smile on my face. The boys start laughing while I fake glare at them. "Hey! Its not funny! I hurt my brain!" I say and pout.

Shawn comes over and holds his hand out. I show a small smile and take his hand, while he pulls me up. When I'm standing I hold my head feeling light headed. I look down and realize I'm still holding Shawn's hand. I blush and pull my hand away slightly. After that Tay walked over to me and crouches down in front of me. I smile and jump on his back.

But right when I do I feel self councious about how much I weigh. And how I must be killing him right now. I remove my hands from his neck and jump down. He gives me a funny look but I look down and walk downstairs and sit on the couch in the livingroom. No one was in here, so I imagine that all the boys are now in the screening room. I sigh and turn on some spongebob, don't judge me.

Soon enough the boys come into the living room and are discussing dinner. Eww, food. I'm not hungry. Tay turns to me, "What do you want for dinner?" He asks. I shrug my shoulders and turn my attention back to the TV.

After the choose something, Tay calls the place and orders. I think it was pizza, but I'm not sure. But after that they all went back into the screening room leaving me alone to watch the best show in the world, Spongebob.

I hear the doorbell ring, and right in the middle of my favorite part. I pause the TV and walk to the door I open the door with a blank look on my face. The pizza guys was standing there with 6 boxes of pizza in his hands. Damn, those boys sure eat a lot. He smirks and looks me up and down. I give him a dirty look. "Keep your damn eyes to yourself. You interrupted my spongebob so you could waltz up in here and make googly eyes at me. Umm hell no! Give me the damn pizza, take the money, and leave. No one wants your pizza delivering ass here!" I snap. His face shows features of shock before he hands me the pizza and walks away with the money in his hands. I smile and satisfaction before closing the door. As I turn around all the boys are standing there with either shocked looks or smirks. "PIZZA TIME!" I scream and hand Tay the pizzas. They all grab a plate and sit in the living room and watch something. Without anyone noticing, I sneak upstairs and go into my room, shutting and locking my door.

Kylie CaniffUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum