The Story

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I'm shaking as I walk in the door. If you had told me 2 months ago that I would be going to AYIP, the Academy for Young Internet Personalities, I would have said you were crazy. It all started a month ago...


I was sitting at my desk on my laptop playing a game when heard my phone beep. I looked over and it was just that someone followed me on That wasn't very important. Then there was another beep. Then another. Then about 10 more. More and more people were following me by the second. It was getting annoying. I tried turning the ringer off, but my phone kept freezing from the notifications. I then decided to turn off my notifications from That gave me peace for about 15 minutes, but soon the same thing started happening with my Twitter and Instagram. I turned off the notifications for them too, then went to the app and saw that I had gained 1,000 followers in a mere 30 minutes! I went to my profile and saw that the most recent that had made was featured! I was so excited I called my friends Karlee and Mercedes and told them.
The next day I posted 3 musical.lys and 2 of them became featured and I had gained about 2,000 more followers. I was gaining hundreds of followers on, Twitter, and Instagram by the minute. Soon people were starting to fan me on YouNow and subscribe to me on YouTube. In 2 weeks I had about 50,000 followers on every app.
Soon my mother got a call. It was from AYIP. She knew I was getting a lot of attention online but not this much. And that's how I ended up here at the Academy for Young Internet Personalities.

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