Not just any old doctor

Start from the beginning

"Why are you acting like this, she didn't do anything to me?"

He ignored my question and continued to glare at the doctor who was looking between the two of us.


That got my attention, she knew him. Now I was the one that was confused, something clear when down between them and I dreaded the answer. If he told me that they slept together I just might throw up.

"Do you two know each other?"

Killian tore his eyes away from her to smile at me but turned back to stare deadly daggers at her.

"Red, I'd like you to meet the bitch that is responsible for bringing Natasha into the world."

My brows almost touched the ceiling, no freaking way!

"You're Natasha's mother?"

She didn't answer me, she looked between me and Killian, then her eyes widen ever more.

"Red? As in Lilly?"

This shit was seriously getting creepy.

Killian smirked, his hand slipped around my waist, tugging me closer to his side. I watched the good doctor as she moved back a little, she was suddenly more afraid.

"One and the same. You didn't think your little stunt that you pulled would have stopped me from making her mine, did you?"

Ok, hold up, now I felt like I was dropped into an alternate universe where I knew the people I'm with but then I didn't.

"Killian, what are you talking about, what the hell is going on?"

The doctor looked at me with what I discerned as pity and concern. Why the hell would she look at me like that?

Ok, I've had enough.

"What the hell is going on?!"

I repeated my question a little louder.

Dr. Brooks opened her mouth then closed it again. She looked like she was afraid to say something that would upset Killian.

"Baby, I met the doctor when I was sixteen, had to spend a few months with her because of a crime I committed. I made a mistake and told her about you, and she tried to use that against me to stop me from f**king her daughter. Not that it worked."

Killian smirked when the doctor's shock turned to anger.

"You corrupted my daughter, you made her into the person that she is today. She was sweet and innocent before you came into her life!"

Killian snorted, "Natasha was anything but sweet and innocent."

"I saw what you did to her!!"

The doctor shouted causing me to jump back but Killian wasn't at all fazed by her behaviour.

What the hell?

"Lady, you caught me f**king her daughter just the way she liked it, hot, dirty and with a lot of pain."

Ok, I think I threw up a little in my mouth.

The doctor took a step closer, her eyes moved to me. She had this frantic, insane look in her eyes.

"You seem like a good girl, you should get away from him while you can, you don't know the things he's done."

Her eyes moved from mine to his, hatred boiling in them

"He's not a good person."

Killian laughed, but it was humourless.

"What, you hope to frighten her? Not gonna happen, she knows exactly who and what I am and what I'm capable of."

The doctor was very determined; she was still intended on make me hate Killian just like she did.

"You might think you know him, but you don't. You don't know the disgusting things I caught him doing to my daughter, the vile bruises on her body left by his hands. He's evil!"

I swallowed the lump in my throat, I felt like looking away because I didn't want her to see that I knew exactly what she was talking about. But I didn't even get to keep my secret because Killian started speaking. A cunning smirk on his face.

"Oh, she knows."

The doctor looked at me shocked, and I squirmed, involuntary tugging at my top to hide the bruise that wasn't quite healed as yet.

But I knew I didn't quite succeed when she eyed the spot where my hand was. Her look turning into one of horror.

"Oh my god, you poor thing."

I looked away from her face, I felt guilty because I knew that deep down she thought that Killian was hurting me, and in a way she was right, but what she didn't know was that I actually...liked it.

"Don't feel sorry for her, Grace, it's yourself you should worry about."

I pulled away from Killian and stepped between him and the doctor when I saw him pulled out his gun.

His eyes shifted to me with a glare before he moved them back to the doctor.

"Get the f**k out of the way, Lilly, haven't you learned that it doesn't serve to jump in front of a weapon?"

I put my hands on my hips and glared right back at him.

"I'm not going to let you kill her."

He smiled.

"Oh, I have no intention of killing her, just putting a few holes in her that will hurt really, really bad."

I stood my ground.

"No Killian, you don't solve all of your problems with violence."

He snorted, "Watch me."

I was getting really tired of his bullshit.

"What couldn't she possibly have done to make you so angry?"

"She tried to keep take you away from me, this bitch tried to kill you when you were sixteen!"


That made me move, I suddenly didn't want my back to be to the doctor, I stepped closer to Killian and he pulled me into him with his free hand.

"Why would you try to kill me?" I asked the doctor, feeling shaken.

Her voice was laced with hatred, "I wanted him to feel how it felt to lose the only thing he loved."

"I didn't kill your f**king daughter!" Killian's voiced boomed.

"You might as well have, because of you, she stopped talking to me, I lost my baby girl, it was only fair that you feel what I felt. Your family thinks they are untouchable, but I knew your weakness and I would have succeeded if you weren't so paranoid and had her heavily guarded."

Killian's hand tightened on me, I didn't know how I felt about the entire situation, it was all so surreal to me. While I was living in Lala land at sixteen, there were people guarding me, from people who were trying to kill me.

However, whatever the doctor tried to do, I didn't think that she deserved whatever Killian had planned for her.

"Baby, let's just go, she's not worth it."

I thought he would have hesitated but he dropped the gun, grabbed my hand and walked out of the office.

I guess that meant that our session was over for good.

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