"Will you shut up you dumbass," I snapped. "I did have her. It's just that she's a little strange. It was something she did. She's like Amber, remember her?"

"The black girl?"

"Which one are you thinking of?"

"From freshman year?"

"Hell no. That Amber couldn't resist me for five minutes. No the one from last summer."

"When we went to Seaside?"

"Not Seaside Amber. We stayed at Seaside for like three days. It was Myrtle Beach Amber. Because we stayed there longer, remember?"

His face twisted into confusion as he looked to the sky for answers. "Wait. Big Titty Amber?" I nodded and his face cringed in a pained look. "Dude, she took like a week didn't she?"

"Yep. But I still got her though." I took out a pack of cigarettes and handed him one. "And I had the bitch begging for more."

He laughed and we lit our smokes. "She said something about her brother though. Is that Ralphie's sister? Because if it is-"

"Nah. Not Ralphie. His sister is adopted from like China or something. Yo, what if that's Jason's sister? You know she's a total loser."

"Someone that pretty related to that douche bag? Ha! I think not." I looked around, realizing that Jordan and I were the only ones here. "Where is everybody?"

"Leo and Ryder went out to get some ice cream, and Alexi went to the 7-Eleven for a slushie. But back to the mystery girl. Did you even get her name?"

I shook my head and took a drag of my cigarette. "Nope."

"Blake you need to get back in there and get her name at least!"

"Don't tell me what to do," I hissed. The I thought about it. "Wait that's a good idea."

"Dude you have anger issues." One thing you absolutely need to know about me: never say I have anger issues. It isn't true, so don't say it like it is. Saying I have anger issues is like saying that the color blue is red.

Because no matter how many times you say the color blue is red, it will always come out blue. Every time you put the blue crayon to paper it will be blue. So stop trying to make the fucking color blue red, because it wil never happen! The color blue will always be fucking blue and there's no changing that so just stop saying that I have anger issues when I don't!

Anyway, I punched him in his jaw and walked inside of school, both for the second time that day.


I saw her talking with some guy and that flawless blonde girl. The decision was hard to make. The brown haired chick was harder to get, but the blonde probably had sex before. Virgin or experienced? The issue of beauty was not concern. They were both really pretty.

I decided to go with the brown haired one. I'd save the blonde for later.

Walking up to her was no problem, and neither was getting her away from her friends. All I did was put my hands on her shoulders, and politely exused us from the area. Once again, she didn't fight, she just let me take her to the less crowded side of the hallway.

If I wanted to rape her I could, and she wouldn't do anything about it. But I wouldn't do that. One reason is that I didn't want to go to jail and the second I wanted to make her come crawling back to me. That's what I did to girls. Show them the time of their life, and then leave them. It gives me satisfation that I did what their boy friends couldn't, and that they want more.

"Blake," She said warningly. "My brother's coming. You should let go of me now."

"Babe, I don't care about your brother. It's just you and me. Listen, how 'bout I get your number and I ca-" The body weight of a football player was rammed into me as I felt myself fall to the ground.


I hit the floor and sharp pain shot through my back. "What the hell?" I shouted.

Jason got from on top of me and kicked my side. "Stay the hell away from my sister you punk!"

. . . Oh yeah. Katrina's in my math class. I forgot. I stood up and shook off my pain. "Did you really just call me a punk? You couldn't come up with a better insult than than that?"

"Just stay away from her Sole." And then he turned and walked away.

Fucking Del Carno. I hated him. Everytime he just came near I could just feel my blood boil and my fists clenching together. I wanted to punch him. So, I tried.

But hearing the voice of lady Del Carno made me stop. She said, well more like whispered, "I told you to stay away from me. Jason comes out of nowhere whenever he thinks I'm in trouble."

That's when my idea hit me. There was a much simpler way to get at Jason. Use his sister to make him come to me. This was going to be so easy.

I turned and smiled at her, relasing my tightened fists. "I'm sorry. You were right. I should've listened, but...there's just something about you. It's making me want to keep coming to you. It's like I can't resist you or something."

"R-really?" Her face flushed as she looked at her toes. "Nobody's ever said that to me before."

"Well, they should. How about I take you out somewhere. Maybe for some burgers or something." She looked up at me warily, very cautious of the sexy bad ass in front of her. "Please?"

She tried to hide a smile and played with her feet. "Okay. Only if I'm home by seven. Deal?"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2014 ⏰

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