Rasa felt himself choke on his cereal, glancing up at the offending mark. "Can't... I'd forgotten Sasori's old enough to..." The sound of shuffling feet made the auburn-haired teen turn his head in time to see Sasori staring at him while he finished his sentence. "... join the academy."

The chair Sasori tried pulling out from the table quickly slammed back, and the five-year-old stormed out of the room, his footsteps no longer light. "Rasa..."

"What did I do?" Rasa set his spoon down, pushing his chair back to follow the child just as his father came down the stairs, later than he usually did. Rasa walked over to the door and knocked.

"Go away."

"You can't keep doing this Sasori."

"I said go away! Stupid Rasa dumbhead!"

"Now come on! Could you at least tell me what I've done wrong?"

"You're a dumbhead! That's what's wrong!

Rasa took a deep breath. "I'm quite sure that's not what you're upset about."

"Go away!"

The fourteen-year-old let out a deep sigh and headed down to the kitchen area. His father looked up at him. "You should leave Sasori alone."

"Yeah, but..." Rasa placed his calloused hands onto his hips. "I did something to upset him again. Are you going to make it to the opening ceremony for Sasori?"

"As Kazekage, I'm to be there for the opening ceremony."

"You can't take a break from those duties?" The auburn-haired teen took a deep breath, only to shake his head. "No. He didn't take a break for nii-sama or my opening ceremonies." Rasa sat down and shoved his spoon into his dish.

"I want to you to take Sasori."

"Doesn't that go without saying."


"Now, now... Rasa isn't meaning anything by that. He's just frustrated that Sasori's ignoring him again."

"As if I care about that..." Rasa flinched as his father slammed down his fist.

"I suggest if you wish for Sasori not to go running off like he has, that you avoid saying anything unnecessary. In fact, you're better off not saying anything at all."

"Yeah, because I'm still a child." Rasa poked his spoon into his bowl of food.

The fourteen-year-old stopped, a sigh escaping his lips upon realizing he actually wished to take his young nephew to the graduation ceremony. "Seriously, though, I shouldn't be getting emotional over something like this, father not participating as a family member. I'm a shinobi, and this isn't something which is important."

The few days passed, and Rasa found himself knocking on his nephew's door, attempting to get the young man ready. "Come on. We're going to be late."

"The only reason you're going is because they're making you!"

Rasa paused. "No, you dumbass. I'm going because of you." The fourteen-year-old took a deep breath, deciding that choice of words weren't best. "Maybe you're right. Maybe I'm not doing this for you. However, to say I'm doing this just because I'm being made to is wrong. There is someone important to me, that I would do this for." The auburn-haired teen hoped Sasori would ask, but the boy refused to speak up. "I'm doing this for nii-sama."

The door opened, and Rasa took a deep breath as Sasori peeked out. The same eyes which were dead to the world peeked out, but the auburn-haired five-year-old was dressed in his clothing. The boy took Rasa's hand and followed him gingerly out. "Will granny be there?"

"Yes. She and Lord Ebizo are planning on being there."

"Why do you call granny Lady Chiyo and uncle Lord Ebizo?"

"I..." Rasa paused. "I'm an adult. That means I can't do little kid things anymore. No. That's not right. I can't really explain it, and it's not really something I want to talk about."

Sasori followed along after him, and they were quickly joined by the lady of the house. Sasori kept ahold of both of their hands, not letting go. A small squeak came out of the boy. "Thank you, Rasa."

"What?" The auburn haired teen flinched, looking down at the small boy.

"I know you hate me because you think it's my fault he's gone, but you're doing this because you love him too." A smile spread across Sasori's face, and the boy almost looked like a normal child rather than a creepy china doll.

Rasa looked up at his mother, hoping she could explain why Sasori acted the way he did. Lady Chiyo simply gave him a dirty look, making the teen swallow. Sasori's hand tightened around his, and he felt a sense of relief. That was until he heard an all to familiar obnoxious voice.

"What are you doing here?"

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