Chapter 4: Hospital visits and Niall Horan

Start from the beginning

"It's, Hannah Moretti and my birth date is April 25th, 1995."
I tell her. Then, Louis walks in after parking the car. When he sees me his eyes light up and he runs over standing behind me, holding the handles to the wheel chair, ready to push me. I get a hospital bracelet and we sit down in the waiting room, Louis wheels me over in front of a chair which he then sat in.

After about 15 minutes a nurse called my name.

"Hannah Moretti?"
She says loudly throughout the waiting room. Louis jumps right out of his seat and wheels me towards her.

"Hi! You can follow me right this way."
Louis pushes me in the direction the nurse was guiding us.

We go into this small room and Louis helps me get up onto the check-up bed. The paper crinkles when I sit down.

"Okay, so what seems to be the problem with you?"
She asks nicely.

"Well I um it's a very long story, but I was trying to escape my boyfriend because he was abusing me and when I did actually escape, well let's just say I didn't get very far."
Louis places his hand on my back and gives me a little rub.

"Oh ok and is this your boyfriend right here?"
She asks slowly grabbing the phone, ready to call security.

"Oh No, God NO!!!!"
I say reassuring her.

"Oh okay, hold on one sec I'll be right back."
She says sort of laughing and feeling relieved.She steps out of the room for a second to grab something.

"Well that was a little dramatic, don't you think? Is it that unbelievable for me to not have been your boyfriend?"
He says jokingly, frowning and raising an eyebrow at me.

"No, no! I just meant that you would never hurt me, unlike Steven."
I say rolling my eyes at the Mention of Steven. I smile at Louis and he looks back at me blushing a little. The nurse walks in.

"Okay, but wait then how do you know this guy? Is he just your friend or...?"
She asks.

"He is the one who actually saved me from him, I almost died if it wasn't for him!"
I tell her. Louis looks at me and smiles. I smile back.

"Oh wow, well it's good that you came when you did because by the looks of her, the injuries could have been much worse."
The nurse says while examining my wounds. She slowly takes of the bandages and I cringe in pain.

"I'm sorry, would you mind taking these off so I can see off you will be needing stitches?"
I take of the bandages, first my cheek, then my arm and finally my neck, which hurt the most. The nurse looks carefully at my wounds.

"Mmmhhmm... Well you will definitely be needing them on your neck and your arm but probably your cheek too just to make sure."
I look at her scared then at Louis and he walks over to me putting his arm around my shoulder.

"It's alright Hannah I'll be right there if you need me."
Says Louis.

"And don't worry, we will numb you up so you won't feel it."
She says reassuring me. I still am scared though.

"What about my leg?"
I ask.

"Oh yes, of course we will do am ex-ray on your foot and a CT scan for your head."
She starts doing all my vitals, my heart beat, my breathing, she looks in my eyes with a flashlight, ect.

After she finished with my check up, they take me into a room with other patients separated by curtains. As Louis wheels me to another hospital bed, he helps me onto the bed. He stands next to me.

"What if.. I need surgery or something or what if I have a concussion, can't people die from that?!!"
I go on rambling nervously. Louis grabs my hand and stops my rambling.

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