2. My First Crush

Start from the beginning

My wet clothes made a smacking sound as our bodies connected. He wasn't ready for me and tripped backwards. His back slammed against the brick wall of the school. I clenched his leather jacket in my hand, pulling his face down to mine.

"You should have just told me you wanted me to kiss you again," he said raising an eyebrow at my hand on his collar. My cheeks flamed, remembering how I had done this to him yesterday and how he had responded by kissing me. I jerked him closer to me.

"The last thing I want to do is kiss you," I spat.

"Don't act like you're doing me any favors. Believe me, I don't want to be seen kissing a drowned rat."

My blood boiled in rage. I didn't think. I just acted.

The back of my hand collided with his cheek in such force I didn't know I was capable of using. His neck snapped to the side and his wet hair fell in his face. He slowly brought his head back around to face me and I seriously feared for my life. I've never seen a guy more pissed off than him.

He slapped my hands off his jacket and was about to get revenge on me when two arms wrapped underneath his armpits and held him back. I looked up to see a very angry Uriah trying to restrain his brother.

With clenched teeth, Uriah bit out, "What is going on?"

I pointed an accusing finger at Elijah. "He dropped me in a puddle and insulted me."

Uriah rolled his eyes. "Are you guys two?"

"Yeah, two seconds away from beating your ass up," Elijah growled.

"Usually when a guy and girl argue like this, it means they like-"

I cut Uriah off real fast.

"I do not like Elijah. He's arrogant, an asshole, mean-"

"And?" Elijah said, daring me to go on, as he struggled in his brother's arms.

"And...and I hate you."

Elijah raised a hand to his chest in mock hurt. "Ouch," he said.

My gaze was drawn to his lips as he pouted. His full lower lip quivered and I couldn't take my eyes away.

His lips turned up in a smirk when he caught me staring again. Damn, I had to stop checking out my enemy like this. I narrowed my eyes on his green ones and was about to say something when the warning bell rang.

"I'll see you around, Veronica?" Uriah said, hopefully.

By now, more students were piling into the parking lot and gave us weird looks. I nodded at him and completely ignored Elijah as I went inside.

I headed right for the nurse's office for a change of clothes. She gave me a normal pair of jeans with a new sweatshirt that said Pink. Ew, I hated that store. I thanked her anyway and headed to my first period class.

I took my seat in the second to last row, next to the window, in math class and dropped my backpack next to my chair. I hadn't felt like going to my locker to be in the hall with all those people I didn't associate with. Instead, I came straight here and dumped my folders and notebook onto my desk.

I started doodling in my notebook to wait for class to begin which would be in about three minutes. One minute later, a chair scraped across the ground behind me. I ignored it, figuring it was Chase Collins. He sat behind me everyday in every class we shared. He was kind of nerdish with his huge glasses and messy hair, but I didn't mind him. We were always partners and I had the feeling that he had a crush on me which was weird since no one liked me. Everyone thought I was strange. I didn't care.

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