Chapter 5

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It didn't take us long to get to Rocco's house. We walked in silence, Murphy giving me time to think, and me over thinking everything. When we arrived, Murphy went inside ahead of me and pushed his way through the door.

"Hey," Rocco said when he saw Murphy come through the door. When Rocco saw me, he threw a look at Murphy that I couldn't exactly read under all his facial hair. "What the fuck did you bring her here for?" Rocco demanded.

"She needed a place to stay," Murphy defended.

"Her fuckin' hotel would've suited her just fine," Rocco spit.

"Look, if it's that big of a damn problem then I'll leave you dumbfucks to keep arguing like children," I said.

"You're fine. Rocco's just overreacting," I heard Connor say from the other room.

"She's not stupid. She's been to college. Think about it man, she's a fucking reporter. She snoops around for a living, telling people other people's secrets," Rocco insisted to Connor. Connor scoffed.

"I would trust Cass with everything I have," he said. I was definitely confused now.

"Even your life? Because if she overhears something... It may be just that," Rocco said.

"Look, I came here to relax and drink, not hang around with arguing boneheads. Rocco, honey," I said with a sickly sweetness, "get me a drink."

Roc looked like he wasn't going to do it but then slowly turned around and shuffled out of the room. Connor, Murphy and I broke out laughing.

"So, where am I sleeping?" I asked when we finally caught our breath from laughing.

"Here," Roc said, thrusting a beer at me. I grabbed it and took a sip, smirking the entire time.

"Yeah Roc, where can she sleep? We're already staying here. We've gotta get up early. Got something we gotta do," Connor said to both Rocco and I.

"She can sleep in the extra bedroom in the back. There's a mattress but it's on the floor. It'll be fine for tonight.

"Fine. But what about you three?" I asked them.

"Honestly, I don't think I'll be getting much sleep tonight. I don't think any of us will," Connor said.

"Exciting day tomorrow?" I asked.

"Something like that," Murphy replied.

"Alright," I said, taking the last sip of my beer. "I'm off to bed. It's all the way at the end of the hall?" I asked Rocco.

"Sorta. All the way at the end of the hall and on the left," he told me.

"Great. Wake me up when you're all up so I can go back to the hotel and check out early and find a new one," I said. They all exchanged glances. "Is there a problem with that?" I demanded.

"Nope. It's fine. We'll see you tomorrow," Murphy said.

"Night," I told them. They gave a chorus of 'nights' in return.

I went down the hall to the room and settled in. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It was fairly clean, although the tiny dresser in the corner needed to be dusted. I flopped onto the bed, and it wasn't long before I fell asleep.

I awoke the next morning to a banging sound coming from the kitchen. Grumbling, I got up out of the bed and made my way groggilly out there. "What the hell are you doing out her?" I demanded. Connor, Murphy, and Rocco stopped in their tracks.

"You shouldn't be up yet," Murphy said, stepping forward and pushing me back down the hall.

"Last I checked it wasn't against the law to get up when you wanted to. Besides, all the racket you three were making woke me up. Now move so I can get some coffee," I said, trying to push my way around him.

"Nope, you can't come out. Rocco's doing some... business. Go back to bed," Murphy said, blocking the way to the kitchen.

"Well whatever kind of business he's doing, I'm sure it's nothing I can't handle," I told Murphy, trying to push past him again.

"Go on back to bed," Connor said from behind Murphy.

"Guys, all I want is a fucking cup of coffee. Let me through," I said. Murphy went to move aside, but I couldn't make it through before Connor moved to take his place.

"Let her go. She wants to get out and get new clothes, I'm sure. And she's got that thing with Smecker starting today. She can come back later," Murphy reasoned.

"Fine. I'll go back to the hotel and change. When will you be back?" I asked Murphy.

"We'll find you," Connor said.

"Meet us at McGinty's around seven," Murphy said. I nodded.

"Stay out of trouble," I told them. Connor and Murphy nodded, and I made my way to the door.

"Always do," Connor said. How wrong he was.

 Hello readers! I am deeply sorry for the delay in updates! I have been writing my Nanowrimo story and that is a lot of work, let me tell you! There was also a bit there where I was grounded but that is a completely different story for another day!

So what are your thoughts on this chapter? Any predictions? What do you think about that little piece of foreshadowing on the end? Is something big going to happen? Let me know in the comments!

Again I apologize for the delay. Hopefully soon I'll have a finished novel to show for my absence but for now it's still a work in progress. After I finish it I will self publish it so that's gonna be fun! This isn't my first bout with Nanowrimo as I wrote The Runaways, the original story I have up on this account, last year for Nano and self published that as well.

Well, I hope you liked this chapter! Don't forget to vote, comment and fan!

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