Christmas Love

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Hey Bieber/Twiligh lovers ;) This is Yolanda. I'm writing this short story cause Jada and I have been way to busy with our own accounts. (Fan me Lovablebieber. Fan Jada anglenightwings.) So we haven't gotten to wirte anything. So I'm writing this short Christmas story. Sorry, I'm a Belieber and we're starting Christmas early this year. Let me know if you like it. Vote, Fan, And comment. Much Love <3 :D Here it is!!!

                                                                 *Christmas Love*

Baby, I will not pout.

Baby, I will not cry.

'Cause I have your love this Christmas time.

Its a cold winter night. I'm waiting for my boyfriend (Justin Bieber) He should've been here already. Whats taking him so long. I'm getting really impatient. The room filled with "Fa la la" That's the ringtone I put for when Justin calls. I picked it up.

"Where are you?" I asked.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I'm still in the studio. Don't be mad." This always happens. When we plan something to be together something always has to get in the way. "I'll be there in about an hour." He said.

"An hour? Justin." I whined. I never get to see him. Christmas is around the corner and this year I do want to spend it with him. For the 3 years we've been together not once have I spend Christmas with him.

"Just an hour. It'll go by fast. I cant wait to see you." I didn't answered. "Izzy. Come on, please don't be mad at me. You know I-" I cut him short.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. You have to have this album done by Christmas. That's alright. See you in an hour." I hung up before he can say anything else. Tears streamed down my face. He could never make time for me.


Izzy hung up the phone before I can say 'I love you'. I know I'm always busy and I'm never with her, but its my job.

"Everything alright, JB?" I nodded at Usher.

"Everythings fine. Hey man you think we can try to finish this a little faster."

"How come?"

"I want to spend some time with Izzy." Usher nodded his head.

"I understand. Lets do a little more and we can call it a night." This is why I love Usher he understands.

"Thanks, bro." I smiled at him.


We are done recording for today. Its like 8:30PM. Damn I'm not gonna be able to be with her that long.

"Alright, man. See you tomorrow." Usher and I did our hand shake.


I park the car in front of Izzy's house and got out. I pick up the rug outside and got the key. Yup, I know where they keep the spare key. I unlock the door. I look into the living room and see Izzy passed out on the couch. I go over to her and stroke her cheek. Shes so beautiful when shes sleeping. I smile to myself.


I feel someone touching my cheek. I open my eyes and look up to see Justin.

"Hey beautiful." He said. He bent down to give me a kiss but I turned my head. He gave me a confused face. "Whats the matter?" I sat up and looked straight ahead. He sat next to me.

"You said an hour." I finally said.

"I know. I'm sorry," I cut him of his sentence short.

"Your always saying sorry. But you still keep me waiting every time. Why say sorry if your gonna keep doing it. Justin, I thin-"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2011 ⏰

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