My heart started to beat even faster, once I seen the look on daddy's face. "I know damn well this ain't what I think it is!" He said, getting louder.

I looked over at Marcus, who was suprised to see daddy here.

"You been in here sleepin with my daughter?!!" He asked, stepping closer to Marcus.

I stood infront of him, trying to stop him from whatever he was gunna do next. "Just give me a chance to explain daddy."

He shook his head. "Don't say shit to me right now little girl, ima handle yo ass in a minute."

I stood there silent, afraid to say anything else.

"You got some damn nerve." He started. "I knew from day one you wasn't good enough for my daughter, and you keep provin me to be right."

I stood there, trying to figure out what he was talking about, but I honestly had no clue.

"You in here shackin up with my daughter, doing lord knows what, when yo black ass needs to be out here handilin your business." I frowned, wondering what daddy was talking about.

He shook his head, looking at Marcus in disgust. "But that's alright, because you can handle it, right now, infront of my daughter." He walked over to the door and peeked his head out. "You can come inside baby."

I looked over at Marcus confused. I didn't know who daddy was talking too outside the door, but the footsteps approaching the door let me know I was about to find out.

He held open the door, and once I saw who walked through it I was even more confused.

"Meeka???? I scrunched my face up, wondering why the hell she was here, and why was she with my daddy.

"This girl was knockin on our door this mornin like a crazy person, looking for him." He said, pointing to Marcus.

"Me?" He asked confused. "Why you lookin for me??" He asked, looking over at Meeka.

"And why were you looking for him at my house??" I asked, folding my arms across my chest.

"She said she figured y'all two would be together since she looked for him everywhere else, and I guess she was right." Daddy folded his arms across his chest, looking between the two of us.

I swalloed hard. "Why were you looking for Marcus?" I looked over at her, and frowned once I seen her face. She looked like she hadn't got any sleep in days, and her eyes were puffy from crying."

"She has somethin to tell him." Daddy said, waiting for Meeka to speak.

She finally picked her head up, wiping her puffy eyes. "....I'm pregnant." She said, looking at Marcus.

My face fell into a immediate frown once I heard her say those words. "What does that have to do with him?" I asked confused.

I looked over at Marcus, who looked like he was in shock, and then I looked over at Meeka, who was just shaking her head.

"We slept together, so it has alot to do with him." She snapped.

My frown deepend, as I looked over at Marcus. "Marcus, please tell me she's didn't do anything with her right?"

He was silent.

"I think my daughter asked you a question." Daddy said, speaking up.

He ran a hand down his face and looked over at me. "Li.....I can was just one time and-"

I shook my head and walked away, not even wanting him to finish his sentence.

I didn't know why, but tears just started to spill out of my eyes as I sped walked back into the bedroom.

"Li, hold on, let me talk to you." I could hear him coming behind me, but I didn't wanna talk to him.

I grabbed my heels and my dress from last night and tried walking past him, but he pulled me back.

"Please let me explain Li, I love you and-"

I pushed his hands off of me and pushed him back. "There's nothing to explain, Im done!!"

I wiped my eyes and stormed out of the condo, past daddy and Meeka.


I kept my eyes glued to the window, as I continued to wipe the tears that kept making my cheeks wet.

Daddy and I had just dropped Meeka back home, now it was just the two of us in the car together. I couldn't even bare to look at him in the face, since I knew he was probably disappointed in me, since I was disappointed in myself.

I was also slightly embarrassed since he knew that I had sex with Marcus last night, since he busted his way in the condo like that.

I folded my arms across my chest, trying to ignore the awkward silence that had filled the car since the minute we left the condo.

"....Babygirl." Daddy said, breaking the silence.

"You alright?" I nodded my head, still not wanting to look at him.

"You sure?" I nodded again, wiping my eyes.

He sighed. "Look at me."

Whe he said that, I automatically wanted to break down into tears, but I was so over crying. I had been trying to stop since we left the condo, but tears kept spilling out of my eyes, even though I had somewhat calmed down from earlier.

I turned my head and looked over at him. Once he seen the hurt on my face, he pulled up to a red light and placed his hand on my thigh.

"Im sorry about what happened earlier." He started. "I ain't wanna be the one to spring that on you like that, I was pissed, and when I saw you in that condo with no clothes on, I almost killed that little boy."

I was silent.

"I know your hurtin right now, and honestly it's takin everything in me not to turn this car around, drive down to that nigga's house and beat his ass for making my baby cry."

He wiped both of my cheeks and took a deep breath. "......You know why I love yo mama so much??" He asked, changing the topic.

I shook my head, waiting for him to tell me.

"Because I'm thankful as hell to have her." He started. "Through all the bullshit I put her through from cheatin, to puttin other people before her, and let's not forget about how AJ popped up."

".....She could have been done with me a long time ago, but she stayed with me and gave me my beautiful baby girl." He smiled, causing me to crack a small smile.

"But she didn't have too. I love her so much because I know that I could have lost her since I wasn't treatin her the way she deserved. I realize how special she is, and I never want another man to have that."

I was silent.

"She could have gotten someone way better than me, that treated her how she deserved, but she stayed with me and for that, Im forever grateful."

"Now that your older and you're gunna be dating, I don't ever want you wasting your time on boys who were like me in the past. Although your mama's and I situation worked out, it doesn't always work out the way it did for us. If somebody ain't treatin you how you deserve to be treated, don't waste your time on them."

I nodded.

"One day, you'll find somebody that's gunna give you everything you deserve and more, and treat you like the queen you are, ight baby girl?"

I nodded. "....Thanks daddy."

He leaned over and kissed the side of my forehead. "No problem."

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The next chapter is the last!


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