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Alec wasn't certain what it was about spending time with Magnus that made each minute seem as if it were passing faster than the speed of light. Maybe it was the fact that the warlock was immortal, and the Shadowhunter wasn't; Magnus had the promise of eternity, the promise of an endless forever, while Alec grew closer to death with each day that went by, growing older slowly but surely, while his boyfriend never aged. In the past, this may have bothered Alec, but he had long since learned how precious each moment could be, and therefore he didn't want to waste any of the time he had with Magnus by doing something as trivial as worrying.

He was sitting up in the bed he shared with Magnus, the California king that was expansively large enough for the two of them to have their own space, but neither of the men wanted to be away from the other for a mere second, even if it was to simply assume a more comfortable position on the mattress. Alec's back was against the headboard, hands tangled somewhat absently in Magnus's hair, picking out loose strands and watching as they laced through his fingers like pieces of black silk. Magnus had his head resting on Alec's chest, one arm draped loosely around his waist, the other placed against the pillow for support. His eyes were shut, glitter-coated lashes resting gracefully on the curve of his cheekbone, and the late afternoon sunlight shone down on him from an overhead window, causing his skin to appear a shade darker, reflections of dust scattered on the skylight casting shadowed dots across his features. Magnus's breathing was soft and calm, and Alec had placed his other hand lightly on his chest, feeling his heartbeat underneath his skin, if only to reassure him that this was real. The dream--no, the nightmare--was long over, and he was finally where he belonged, was finally holding his entire world in his arms, with no intention of ever letting him go. As Alec continued to stare down at his boyfriend, steady gaze raking over his resting figure, he was hit with a sudden sense of wonder, unable to decipher how someone liked Magnus Bane belonged to a person like him.

"Alexander," a soft voice, tinged with amusement, broke through Alec's thoughts, and he realized that Magnus must now be awake; his eyes remained closed, but his lips had curled up into a knowing smirk. "Why are you staring at me, my darling?"

"If I said it was because you are beautiful, would that be an acceptable answer, or would it be too cheesy?"

Magnus opened one eye to look up at him, letting out a light chuckle that reminded Alec of leaves being carried on a spring breeze. "Seeing as most Shadowhunters have never once spoken the word 'beautiful' when referring to a person, especially a Downworlder, I'd say that this is a rare event, and it is most definitely an acceptable answer." He quickly sat up, moving to brush his lips softly against Alec's temple. "Although, if you ask me, I would say that you are the beautiful one in this relationship, Alexander."

"I don't see you as just a Downworlder, Magnus," Alec said quickly, feeling the irrevocable urge to reassure his boyfriend that he thought of him in ways that were infinities different and deeper than the opinions given to his kind by the majority of Shadowhunters. "I see you for you. It's true, Shadowhunters have never given much respect or affection for warlocks, but I've never been one to focus on labels."

"You've always been one to follow the rules, however," Magnus's voice had dropped a few octaves, and he leaned forwards to trace the rune on Alec's neck with the tips of his fingers. "Do you ever wonder what the others think of you? I'm certain it's not easy knowing that your parents think less of you because of what you are, much less who you are in a relationship with." He hesitantly lifted his head to meet Alec's gaze once more. "Do you ever wish you had fallen in love with a Shadowhunter, Alexander?"

Alec shook his head, sending locks of black hair falling into his eyes as he did so. Magnus absently pushed them away, searching Alec's face for any sign of regret as he spoke. "My parents would have found out eventually anyway," Alec replied, and although the sting of his mother and father's disapproval still lingered, he had managed to accept the fact that they would never accept him. "and no Shadowhunter, no other person in this entire world, actually, could ever give me the kind of happiness that you have given me, Magnus. It may have taken me a while to realize this because I've been in love with someone else for so long, but you are the one I'm meant for, the person I'm destined to spend the rest of my life with. I am in love with you, and there is no one or no thing that would ever make me question that. Not--" he knew what Magnus was prepared to say next, and he lifted a hand to cease his contradictions before they could leave his mouth. "even Jace."

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