Chapter Eleven

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"Oh, of course," I said. "I would have thought your parents would be here too."

"No, Mom and Dad weren't too keen on Ryan. They thought he had a bit of a wild reputation and they didn't really think he was the right man for Emily."

That was news. The media had been playing up the whole blissful love story angle. I had just naturally assumed the whole family was behind the marriage. I could understand their concern though. Ryan was a bit of a wild man when it came to women. There were movie sets where he had pretty much gone through the entire female cast and some of the crew by the end of the shoot. If I had a daughter, I would slap her in a chastity belt before I let her anywhere near Ryan Hendricks.

"How's she holding up?" I asked.

"Pretty devastated," Jennifer sighed. "I think she still can't believe it. I was hoping that if she threw herself into her work that might help."

I drew a blank. I honestly didn't know what work Emily Saunders did. I'd always thought she was some vacuous socialite who lived off her trust fund but then look at Jennifer. I probably assumed the same about her as well. I would never have guessed in a million years that she had opened up a spa or wellness center. Maybe I should look a little closer at my preconceptions. Maybe I'd been working too long with these people and was getting bitter. I mean look at Crystal. Before I became friends with her I would have lumped her into the exact same category as Emily and Jennifer. I looked at Jennifer with new found respect.

"Anyway," she said, "I should get going. Adam has told me he'll take care of Emily and I left my husband at home today. Josh has a tendency to get so involved in his work that he forgets basic things, like eating and showering."

I smiled. That was nice and normal.

She gripped my hand. "Thank you, it was nice talking to you."

"It was good seeing you too," I said.

After Jennifer left I found myself wandering through the house again. Walking down one of the hallways, I saw a door that looked interesting and opened it. I froze. In that moment I did not know where to look because I saw Emily Saunders backed up against the wall, her legs wrapped around the hips of Adam Hendricks. Her head was arched back and his pants were around his ankles. Sadly enough this was not a new situation for me. My mother always said that I have a curiosity gene that leads me to trouble, and a deficiency in me that makes me follow that curiosity. In this town it meant that I had come across quite a few people in this position before. I heard people coming down the hallway and I panicked. Trying to close the door as quietly as possible, I went to flee before getting caught when a strong arm grabbed me around the waist. Before I knew it I was pinned against the hallway wall and somebody's mouth was fastened to mine. My first instinct was to struggle but the lips left my mouth and I heard Griffin whisper.

"It's me. Just go with it."

He returned to my lips and despite my shock I started to realize that the man may be a jerk, but he could kiss. I was feeling this kiss right down to my toes. Part of me put that down to my very long dry spell since the last time that a man kissed me. Griffin's hands stroked up and down my side and then settled on my hips. His lips left mine again and I tried to chase them. He chuckled darkly as he started placing butterfly kisses down my neck. I'm not proud of this fact, but in that moment, if he had pulled me into a dark room, I would have done whatever he asked of me. Once again, I am putting that moment of insanity down to my long dry spell. The people in the hallway passed by and when they were out of sight Griffin lifted his head.

"They're gone," he said softly.

"What," I said, still dazed and looking at that beautiful mouth which had just lit some major fires in me.

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