Protector Dominic(1)

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'She beat me. Alexandria beat me. Now, my father will never accept me as an equal and never let me go after them.'

Dominic imagines Alex, the girl he's always competed against. She's 5'3", with long black hair. Her skin is pale and perfect, framing her grey eyes. Her body is skinny and curvy, but strong. She takes control when needed, and is kind and caring.

Dominic clenches his fists just as the door opens to the room where he and the other three wait. He looks through his shaggy black hair to see his father standing there, a frown as usual is carved into his face. Dominic knows what's coming, so he stands upright, ready for whatever his father is going to do.

His father is 6'1", an inch taller than him. Dominic is his father's spitting image, only Dominic is much faster than his father, and his father has his hair to his shoulders and into a pony tail at the base of his neck.

"Hello Dominic." Protector Nightingale says coldly. "I see that the Shout girl beat you yet again." Dominic shows no emotion, just stares at his father. "But then, I am not surprised since you are your mother's son." Dominic tries to keep his reaction to none even though his father just threw salt into his wound. "I'm shocked you even got into the Alpha Squad."

'They let you in.' Dominic thinks.


"You will address me as Protector Nightingale." His father interrupts.

"Protector Nightingale, I am a Protector and the Alpha Squad's new tracker. I believe you should show me some respect. I am not a child anymore-"

"Respect is not given, it is earned." His father says. Dominic meets his father's cold eyes.

"I have proved to you over and over that I am one of the best. Same as you-"

"No. You show me over and over that you will always be second best. Protector Alexandria" Dominic clenches his fists at how his father addresses Alex by a Protector. "will always be better than you, making you second. So, until you earn your respect, you will never be one of the best." And with that, he turns and leaves. Dominic knows to follow, so he does.

'I am the best father, I will prove it to you!'

Dominic follows his father out of the room, and into a black Sedan. He knows where they're going, but he wishes there weren't. HQ is the last place he saw his mother when he was only four years old. That was the year his father changed and saw Dominic as an annoyance and became so cold towards him.

The day his mother disappeared was the day Dominic became the way he is. Even as a four year old, he knew what he was going to do with his life. He was going to find his mother and his unborn brother. He swore on his own life that he would do so. But, his father would never let him now that he is not an equal. That was his only hope to find his mother. If he were equal to his father, then he could have just asked his father to make it an order so he wasn't going against orders, but since he's not an equal...

'I will have to go rogue to find my mother. It's the only way.'

"Dominic." His father's voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "I know what you want to do, and I am telling you right now. Don't. That's an order." Dominic stares at his father.

"Why? Don't you want to find her! To find them both!?"

"Dominic!" Dominic flinches at the tone. "You will not go after your mother. She is dead."

"You never found her body...." He didn't see it coming until after his father slapped him. Dominic blinks, and looks at his father.

"Drop this. Now, or I will ask you to be reassigned." Dominic stares at his father still, shocked that he actually hit him. His father has threatened to beat him, but never laid a hand on him before now. "Do you understand me?"

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