Ar yew implyin sometin hre?

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hay babes, my name is skylar. I luv one directoin but i know il nevr meet them. oh well, i shuold go to scool. oh hay, harreh is sittng at my lunch tble! I shuold go say hi or sometin.

'hi harreh, i luv yew'

'i luv u to skylar'

'aw tanks'

'wuold yew lik to go on tour wit me an the boys?'

'omg ya, lemme ask my parents'


'hay mum and dad, can i go on tour with one directoin? i know ill be leving scool and all my frans and yew guys for almost a year but i promis ill be good!'

'sure swettie, go hav fun an leve us all alone wit no way to cntact us but k, i luv yew, dont forgt yur jacket!'

'tanks mummy and daddy, ill call harreh'


'hay baby, how yew doin?'

'im extraordinharry, harreh! i can go on tour wit yew guys!'

'thts nice babes, i luv u an cant wait to see yew!'

'luv u bye bye now'


A/N: Oops, sorry about that. 

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