Chapter 23

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Chapter Twenty-three 

Sandy was stopped at a cross-street traffic light, when she saw Detective Goddard in his unmarked car pass across in front, headed for their Coffee Spot meeting. At first, he had begged off. It was Sunday afternoon; he had planned to take the day off. She had insisted, eager to get him moving on the new La Familia info. Also, it occurred to her that he should spend as little time at home as possible. Miss Legal Secretary was probably there eager to take dictation or practice her shorthand. He should keep his mind on finding Towson's killer.

The light changed and after two blocks, she caught up and pulled in behind him just as they joined the Sunday beach traffic going over the Intracoastal Bridge. She waved, knowing he was watching his rearview mirror.

Just over the crest of the bridge all traffic stopped. Ahead they could see rows of cars backed up for over a mile all the way east to some jam ahead at the A1A intersection near the beach.

She saw him position his portable flashing light on the top of his vehicle. He left the siren off, pulled over on the narrow shoulder and slowly crept by the stalled traffic. She thought, what the hell and pulled behind him on the shoulder. As he passed the long line of stopped cars, the occupants could see that close behind the gray Impala with the flashing lights was a top-down red convertible driven by a serious-looking young woman. She had both hands stiffly on the steering wheel and her eyes frozen straight ahead.

Ten minutes later, they pulled in and parked behind the Coffee Spot. They got out, both laughing.

"Fun to be a cop for a minute. You get paid for playing this game? Where can I buy some flashing lights?"

"I was waiting for you to wave to the stalled drivers."

They walked through the kitchen and headed for the usual back booth. The waitress was only a step behind with their coffee.

As they settled in, Sandy said, "So, Sonny Barner is alive, huh? Well, glad for that. I don't have time to solve two murders. Was he at the apartment before or after Raymond?"

"I'm busy, Sandy. Get on with it. This better be good."

"You'll love it. First, I should tell you Joanna at the office in Philadelphia traced the ownership of the Jardin Café. It's a Delaware corporation owned by Tampa interests linked to crime and drugs, she thinks. What's going on out there?"

"Possibly drugs. What else is there?"

"If this were Philly, I'd guess a front for money laundering. Do you have that down here?"

"You're talking to a small-town cop. What I know about money laundering wouldn't fill that mug there. That's your big news? Some shady corp owns the Jardin. Goodbye, got to go."

"No, listen, you might get a call from Elena Duarte. You know, from the café." Sandy related the conversation with Elena. She didn't mention advising her to get a lawyer.

He was interested and impressed. "So, Norma Martin is tied into what may or may not be a crime family and very likely a pro-casino force. Furthermore, she's the mother of Elena Duarte. You say Elena claims to be the one who actually had the affair with Towson?"

"You don't believe her?"

"I have my doubts. Without prints or DNA, we can't even put her in his apartment."

"Of course, you can put her in his apartment. She told me she left a white leather jacket and some other clothes up there."

"Why doesn't she just run? Why come to you?"

"For help, she's afraid the police are looking for her. And I just told you Pirro is chasing her. She doesn't know what to do about him."

"Maybe this Pirro was flat out ordered to kill Towson, and Elena's weeping act is to cover it all up."

One Deadly Sister (Sandy Reid Mystery Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now