Protector Alexandria(1)

Start from the beginning

"Congrats Jenny." Mr. Nevil says as Jenny walks off stage to meet her mentor, Protector Karlie. Karlie hugs Jenny and whispers something to her. "I mean, Protector Jenny. I'll have to get used to calling all our graduates by their proper titles now." He smiles and everyone goes silent. "Now, I want to welcome our fourth top student." He looks over at us, and at first I believe he looks at me, but then I realize he's looking at Newt. "Newt Yolk." Newt stands.

Newt is a tall black boy at 6'6". He has a buzz cut of black hair, and has big muscles that you can't help but notice. Especially in his Protectors' uniform. He's our best hand-to-hand fighter obviously, and he's pretty good with throwing knives, curved knives, actually, any type of knife. He's not the smartest our of us, but he is smart. He's also a real sweetheart, but then, he is gay and most gay guys are sweethearts.

"Newt is our best hand-to-hand fighter, and our best knife thrower. His record for distance is two hundred yards if I am correct."

"He was also blindfolded." I hear someone behind me whisper. I don't peek back, for I know who it is. It's Jack, Newt's boyfriend.

Newt walks up on stage, and takes his assignment after saluting Mr. Nevil. You can tell he's nervous, but he hides it well. The only reason I can tell he's nervous is from the missing grin on his face. He steps up to the mic and reads his assignment to himself before looking up, giving a small grin he tells us all what his future is.

"I've been assigned to guard Sire Donald for six months," 'Six months? I've never heard of an assignment that has a time limit.' "And then, I will join the Academy as their new knife expert." Everyone applauds.

I exhale a breathe I didn't realize I was holding. Newt and I have been competing for the Alpha Squad's new hand-to-hand fighter all year.' Of course, that doesn't mean I will get it, it just means I have more chance since Newt will be teaching future classes of Protectors.'

I look back up to the stage at Mr. Nevil.

"Congratulations to our new teacher, Protector Newt. I look forward to supervising your classes." Newt grins then walks off stage to wait for Jack.

He looks our way, and meets my eyes. I can tell what he's thinking. He's wishing me luck, but I can tell he's hoping I won't get it at the same time. I smile at him and he grins.

'I belong on that Squad. Just watch!' I think, wishing he could read my thoughts.

"Now, our number three. This student is one of my favorites, she always had a positive attitude, and threw herself into everything." He smiles at us. I already know he's talking about Polly.

Positive Polly was always happy and threw her whole being into whatever she did. She's my size, 5'3" and a regular shaped body that holds muscle. Only I hold speed while she doesn't. She's one of the slowest girls at this school, but she's amazing with a sword.

"She's used three swords at once, believe it or not, and never falters when she has a blade in her hand. Please, welcome Polly Lowe. My second best student, and a sword master already." He starts clapping as Polly stands up with a shy smile on her face. She walks up to the stage as if this was just another day in class. She salutes respectfully with a smile on her face. "There you go Positive Polly." I hear him say as he hands her her assignment.

Polly reads her assignment and smiles big.

"I've been assigned to the Alpha Squad!" She nearly squeals. "I will serve as their new swords master." I let a small smile cross my face, then go back to my poker face. She turns on her heel and walks off.

"I am so proud of our top five so far, and I hope our top two are just as lucky." He smiles and looks at Dominic and I. We're both the best of our class, and we've been enemies since we were little. I've always been just a little bit better, but then he always grows strong and better than me. I know he wants the spot I want in the Alpha Squad too, but he's going to be disappointed. It's mine. "So, now I want to tell you all about our top two students. I won't be blunt either, but the outrank all of our students, and even some of our teachers. They have always had a rivalry, ever since they started at the Academy fourteen years ago as little preschoolers." He smiles. "And they both showed that they were the best. They supported each other in a way, when one got stronger and better, the other got stronger and better. They were both placed in advanced classes once they were eligible for weapons training. They exceeded in those classes and were placed in higher advanced classes at the age fifteen each. Our head Protector, Sargent Lily, decided to create a new class for these two." He pauses and looks at us. I notice Sargent standing at the side. "I think Sargent Lily should take this." He looks at her. "Sargent." Even though Mr. Nevil is just a teacher and not a Protector, he salutes her in Protector fashion.

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