I'm Scared: Felo's POV

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I was being led down a hallway. Awhile ago I was separated from Flowers, don't know what's going on though. The only things I could think of is that 1. they are going to tell me something, or 2. I'm going to get morphed. We walked up to two iron doors and the guard said something into a lock pad. I didn't quite hear what he said, but that was the least of my problems. The door opened to reveal a girl scientist. "Thank you for escorting Felo to me. You may go." The guards nodded and walked away. The scientist motioned me to lay down on a table and I did so. "My name is Breena. I'll be doing your operation today." I nodded and tried to relax. She rolled a cart next to the table. I looked over at it and saw needles, jars, and other operation tools. "Oh, don't worry. This won't hurt a bit." She grabbed a needle and a jar that said, 'Creeper DNA'. She filled it and then said something that made me shiver. "This will hurt a lot!" I gulped before she jammed the needle into my arm. When she did, I screamed in pain. "Oh shush you," She said, covering my mouth. I cried until eventually, I blacked out.

When I woke up to find out I was strapped into the table. I tried looking around, but only saw darkness. "H-hello?" No one responded. I looked at my hands to find out they were, green?! "I see you are awake," I hear someone say. I look around, but see no one. Then, to my right, a light came on. The light showed a glass wall that had three scientist on the other side. "We will be doing the tests right now," The boy one said. He pressed a button that released me from the table. I got up and stood facing towards the scientists. "The first test will be fighting." One of the scientist pushed another button that spawned three wither skeletons. "If you want to live, you will fight. If you want to die, then do nothing!" One of the girl scientist said. The wither skeletons charged at me. I didn't know what else to do, so I ran. It was hard to see thought, cause the only source of light there was, was next to the glass. I turned and ran back towards the light. I bumped into something, and then realized it was the wither skeletons. I ran, and ran, until I reached the glass. I started to bang on the glass and yell, "I don' know what to do!!!!! Please!!! Get me out!!" The scientists shook their heads, and then turned on the lights. Yes....this will be more easy.... I saw the three wither skeletons on the other side of the room. They noticed me and started charging towards me. "Focus Felo," One of the scientist said. I focused, I don't know for what though, but I did. As I focused, everything began to move slowly. Then, tiny creeper minions started charging towards them. Every time the creeper minion came near the with skeletons, they would blow up. I kept sending them, until eventually they died. The scientist clapped, probably at the test, not me. I bowed anyway. "Test number two." Another one? This will be easy...... I heard the door open behind me. I turned around to realize it was....James?!

Hey guys!

Hope you are enjoying the book so far!

I really want to do a Question and Answer Chapter with the characters.

So, please leave down in the comments a question, and to who the question is for.

Love you all!

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