Niall was surprised.

"But you said..."

Harry frowned.

"I know what I said and that's what I want, but the reality is something else."

Niall took a deep breath. He tried to think of what Simon had said. "Give him time!" but how much time did Niall want to give him?

"So how does it work?" Niall got up. "So I need to tell everyone that we are just friends?"

Harry smiled weakly.

"Yes!" he whispered in reply. "I know it's not what you dream about, but we have to think about the fans and all that's out there."

Niall took away from Harry's arms.

"So I can be open with me being gay, but when it comes down to it all, you can't do the same?" Niall backed away. "I think it's a little weird that you don't even dare to be honest?"

Harry rolled his eyes.

"It doesn't work that way and you know it." he looked at Niall. "I want to continue to be employed and I want to keep making movies. That's what I'm good at. I have nothing and I dob't want to be a former actor. This is what I do for living and it all I can do...."

Niall leaned against the wall and he was a little annoyed. He frowned.

"So you mean that I wont be famous?"

Harry tried to shake his head.

"No Nialler, I just mean that it's I who can't change the image that people have of me. If I come out with me being gay, everyone will back off and no one will want to make movies together with me."

Niall didn't understand.

"So no one will want to make a film with me?"

Harry growled. He quickly went to Niall and put a hand on each side of his head against the wall.

"Niall, I love you." he muttered hoarsely and cold. "Everyone will love you just as much, and I know you will be known, but you started out with the truth. You were honest from the beginning. That wasn't what I did."

Niall looked into the green eyes. The stomach tingled and he knew he would never get Harry in the way he wanted him.

"So I'll content myself with that little things from you?"

Harry frowned and he swallowed.

"You get me, you own. You get me in every way as you can, and you get to share all I that I have, but I can't openly show how much we have together."


"Niall Horan?"

Niall left the grocery store when a young girl followed him a few meters. Niall turned around and he looked at her in surprise. She got up a big smile on her lips nervously, she took out a pen and a paper. She gave it to Niall.

"Please, can I have your autograph?"

Niall was jaw-dropping. He just stared at her.

"Do you mean... what?"

She blushed.

"I look so forward to when the movie is released and I have to admit that you're better looking than Harry."

Niall got up a smile. She was his first fan? Niall felt his head nearly spun around. Niall had a fan? He was quick to write down the autograph and he gave her paper and pen. She smiled big and she blushed just by being close to him.

"Thank you, and just to let you know about it. YOU are my idol."

Niall felt stupid. He just stood there and smiled. He didn't know what he would do.

"I'm like you..." she continued cheerfully. "I have a girlfriend and she's like me. We just love that you are so open about yourself and that you dare to stand up for us who are gay and bisexual."

Damn, this was just incredible.

"I'm just myself." Niall got hoarse forward. She laughed a little embarrassed and she looked down at the ground.

"And that's why we love you." she whispered hoarsely. "We are some people who have started a fan club on Facebook. If you have Facebook, you can look for yourself and see what we do?"


Niall allowed himself some more. He went straight into an electronics store and he bought a computer, a laptop. When he got home, he started it up and installed all that as was needed, then he went out on the net. He created a page on Facebook and then he sought for his name. He just sat and stared at the screen. They were five hundred people in the group "Niall Horan". He saw that they only praised him and wrote nice things. He blushed. He didn't know what to say. There after he Googled his own name and right away it came up all possible information.

"Niall Horan is the new star, Simon Cowell says he's better than Harry Styles, and that this is just the beginning."

Yes Niall was hooked. He sat all night and just stared at the screen. There were even pictures of him, as fans and paparazzi had taken. There was everything from when Niall went shopping til when he stood outside the film studio. No there were no pictures that showed that he was gay. There were some on Niall and Harry, but no one knew that they had a relationship.

"Harry Styles gay play against Niall Horan, the new rising star."

Niall read the text below.

"Now, Harry has taken the step out and play against gay Niall, the new star in the film industry. All the fans are afraid that this is the end, but Harry himself believes it would be unprofessional to not set up in such a role."

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