Chapter 34: Stopping it All

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"Castle what are you doing?" Kate asked trying to get past him.

"Nothing." He rapidly responded.

"Castle," She warned, "Whose in there?"

"No one."


"Alright, fine, you win. It's Matthew."

"What? Why didn't you tell me? Turn on the volume."

"No, Kate."

"Why?" She tried to get past him and to reach the volume button. He didn't want to hurt her, but this was for her own good. He blocked the volume and just let we see the silent screaming match.


"Please what, Castle! Turn it on!"

"No Kate! Not after what he did to you!"

"Turn it on now!"

"Why do you want to know so bad!"

"Why do you need to know!"

"You know what fine! Don't come crying to me when you hear everything." Castle said, lowering his voice and pushing the button and leaving slamming the door.

Beckett shook it off and and sat down listening.

"She probably enjoyed it! Once I get out of here I'm going to find her and finish what I started! She should be scared! Because I'm never stopping! She going to accept it and like it!"

This un-nerved her. She grew tears and stood up scooting back.

"You're not going to get her," Ryan stated, "because you're never going to see her again.

"You think what you want. But she's probably behind that glass just thinking abou how much she wanted it. I know you're there Kate. And I'm by stopping until I get what I want. You can try and run and try and hide. But I will always find you." Kate let out a struggled breathe and sank down against the wall balling up, ignoring the pain in her neck, as she buried her head in her knees.

She zoned out for the rest of the interrogation and was brought from her thoughts by Ryan.

"Are you ok?" He asked kneeling down next to her. She wiped her tears and nodded.

"I'm fine." She whispered.

"I'm just letting you know that he's in holding and in about 10 minutes they're going to take him down to be processed. He going away for a long time. Ok?"

Kate hummed an ok and Ryan helped her stand.

"You should probably go home and rest some more, Gates said you can be back next Monday if you feel up to it."

"I can't leave now."


"Castle tried to warn me about the things that Matthew was saying and he left and I thought I was strong enough, but I'm not. I'm scared out of my mind, paranoid. What if he comes back for me. What if I don't get away that time?"

"You're going to be just fine. He going to jail. You won't see him around for awhile."

"Thanks Ryan."

"Anytime. Now go talk to Castle. I'll go tell Gates you're going home."

"Ok." Kate then headed to the break room where she assumed Castle would be, but suddenly felt uneasy. She ran to the bathroom in the back and emptied her contents. Her nerves were getting the best of her. She rinsed out her mouth and then headed out. When she exited she saw a uniform standing outside of the males bathroom just a few feet over.

She walked up to him and asked, "why are you standing out her Gonzalez?"

"There's a guy in here who needing to pee and then we're taking em' back to holding."


"I actually need to go get the paperwork to write down the times for this, can you wait out here until I get back?"

"Sure." Kate said. The detective thanked her and then quickly hurried off.

Soon enough the man came out. It was Matthew. When he saw Kate be grabbed her before she could get away, or scream, and pulled her into the bathroom. He shoved her against the wall. She was to weak to fight back but didn't give up. She tried kicking but he didn't give in.

"Let- me-g-go." She mumbled out.

"Never. I'm getting my way." He then slammed her against the adjacent wall causing her to groan in pain. She tried to scream and her hit her chest. He began to unbutton her shirt. After everything that has happened Late would not let this happen again. She needed to stop being afraid. She kneed Matthew in the stomach and wrapped one arm around his neck and grabbed his worst with the other twisting them both and throwing him to the ground. He yelped and kicked her ankle causing her to fall as well. She quickly recovered and so did he. She threw a few kicks managing to hit him hard enough in his side where she heard a crack she them grabbed her handcuffs and put them around his wrists. She then picked him up and carried him out just as the other officer arrived.

"Why did you handcuff him detective?" He asked.

"Because he tried to attack me," she said then looking Matthew straight in the eye, "but it didn't work. I'm done being afraid and I'm done repeatedly being hurt. It's your turn to be scared now." She then handed Matthew to the officer and walked over to a secluded bench when she sat down she let out a sigh and began to cry. She wasn't gonna lie she was scared. Scared to death. But she thought about Castle and how she needed to make up with him. Castle helped her through this, in a way. She loved Castle and she was going to marry him for goodness sake. But she was recovering from Matthew. He almost got her, again. She laid her head in her hands and was trying her hardest not to cry out loud. She turned her back to the bull pen and heard footsteps.

It was Castle. He was pressing the button on the elevator. He looked to his left and saw Kate. She was crying, and he just assumed it was because she felt bad, so he looked back away. All he was trying to do is protect her, because he loves her.

Kate still had her halfway unbuttoned shirt and you could clearly see her bra. But she didn't notice yet. It was probably the least of her worries. Rick looked over as the elevator doors opened and noticed her shirt. He took a closer glance and saw a bruise forming on her chest and a light bruise on her cheek.

What happened to her? He thought. The elevator doors were closing. It was now or never, and he chose now.


    - K

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