"I think he would be able to tell whether or not it was the mating pull. That isn't something you can really fake, Felix." Avery spoke up leaning against the wall of his dorm room with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Well, I don't know about Kian but if you're sure he's your mate; then you'll have no choice to do it like how humans do it. Obviously, if he doesn't know, then there's probably some kind of block that's preventing him from feeling the pull." Felix said and both other boys looked to him.

Felix looked down to the depressed wolf and offered him a reassuring smile. "You have to make Kian fall for you."


"Well, you can start by asking him out on a real date." Avery suggested. Nate whined curling into a ball again, his bushy tail once again falling onto his face and covering his eyes.

"This would be easier if he knew." The deep brown wolf murmured.


Sub Campus; the next day

Nate walked to soccer field on the sub campus. He knew that the soccer team would be on the field at this time practicing. He continued to walk, smiling and giving a wave to all the subs that greeted him.

Finally, he made it to the field at the back of the school and took a seat on the bleachers as he watched his mate dribble the soccer ball around the field. He moved freely dashing around the other players as he made a beeline to the goal net.

A smile curved Nate's lips as the sub scored his goal and the players on his team in this practice game cheered with him over their goal. The sub's eyes then landed on the dominant sitting at the bleachers and he waved at him. Nate returned the gesture.

When the practice game was over the subs made their way over to the bleachers to get water and energy drinks where they chatted with each other about random topics. Fang came forward and greeted the dominant and they high-fived each other but the sub didn't stick around as he went off to carry on a conversation with Riley.

Kian came to sit next to the dominant with a hand-towel in hand and bottled water. "Hey, what are you doing here?" Kian asked opening the bottle and taking a few sips. He then placed the opened bottle down next to him before taking the hand-towel and wiping away some of the sweat from his face.

Nate watched his mate and found himself thinking if maybe Kian did feel the pull but was just ignoring it because he didn't think of him like that.

"I wanted to ask you something." Nate said. When Kian looked at him giving his full, undivided attention; the dominant felt himself falling. Yes, he did have feelings for the sub even before he learnt they were mates; but now, his feelings have been magnified. The pull toward Kian was so strong.

"Um...would you...I don't know...maybe want to go out with me?" Nate asked almost afraid of what the sub's reaction may be.

Kian stared at the dominant like he'd grown a second head. What the hell was he thinking? They're both sixteen and either of them could find their mates soon. Getting into a relationship at this point would just prove to be disastrous.

"Nate...I-I...what about our mates?" he replied. Nate felt himself die a little. So it was true. Kian couldn't feel the pull because if he did, he would've said yes.

"I know...but who knows, maybe we'll find our mates years from now."

"I guess it's true...but I don't want to hurt my mate if I get caught with you Nate."

Well, it's too late because you're already hurting me.

"Well, if you find your mate, then you won't have to worry about this ever again. I'll leave you alone."

"Why so suddenly?" Kian asked looking over to the dominant boy.

"Because I like you." Nate answered honestly. The sub blinked rapidly as Nate's confession rang in his head. Wow, all his life he'd been convinced no one could ever like him the way Nate does. He was wrong.

"Okay, then I guess...we could hang out."


Winter was around the corner as the first of the winter clouds had already set in looking puffy and gray just waiting to be popped so that it could let free its icy little flakes that would in no time, cover the earth's brown and green blanket in thick white fluffiness.

The months had changed their relationship but Kian held a fear in his heart. What if his mate came along? That means, he'd have to hurt Nate. They'd grown closer but Kian didn't feel any special bond toward the dominant. Sure, he cared about him but whatever spark the dominant was looking for, Kian couldn't find it.

It made him feel bad because Nate truly was a great guy. Four months and still all Nate got was nothing compared to what he wanted.

Kian didn't understand why though. Why did Nate stick around when he knew Kian couldn't give him a real relationship?

The sub didn't know what to think anymore. He didn't want to hurt Nate but their relationship was going nowhere. He had to end things with the dominant.

"Nate?" Kian called and the dominant looked over to his mate. He hadn't told the sub anything because he wanted Kian to learn for himself that they were mates. It was obvious, even after all this time that Kian thought of him as nothing but a friend.

"I don't think this is going to work out between us. I know what you want but I can't give that to you."

Nate felt as if someone had taken a dagger and driven it right through the centre of his heart. He was being rejected. It may not be the right way of rejecting him, but it still felt that way.

"Kian, you're not breaking up with me." Nate said as a tic began working in his jaw.

"Excuse me?" Kian retorted twisting his features in disgust. "You're not the boss of me and you are certainly not my mate."

"Yes I am." Nate shot back. "I am your mate and I've been trying to show you that since I first asked you out. You obviously don't care about me enough to see that."

Kian stared dumbfounded. No, Nate was lying. He would've felt the pull. He hadn't so that meant the dominant was lying. For the first time ever since they'd met, Kian was actually angry at Nate. The sub stood up with an angry glare on his face.

"You're a fucking asshole Nate. You know how sensitive I am about finding my mate. Why would you lie to me like that?"

"I am your mate Kian whether you choose to see it or not." Nate shot back getting up as well. The sub snorted in derision. He couldn't believe what an asshole Nate was being.

"You what? Fuck you Nate. I didn't feel the pull so stop claiming to be someone you're not." Kian gathered his jacket and left the cafeteria where they had met each other for the day. "Please don't talk to me again. You've hurt me the worst."

An Omega Novel: Saviour (Book 2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt