No Mate

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16 years old

Roxborough Academy; Dominant Campus

"Oh hell no! No, no, no, no, no" Avery said standing in the doorway of his dorm room. He'd just come from class and his arms were loaded with books and papers. He walked into his dorm room and the first thing he saw was his roommate lying on the carpeted floor in wolf form.

At least now he knew the real reason Nate skipped class. The guy was moping up a storm.

Tummy ache my ass. Avery thought as he watched the dominant wolf looking depressed and vulnerable. Werewolves don't get tummy aches. Nate let out a high pitched whine as he peeked over to his friend and roommate before his ears flopped against his head and he whined again.

"Felix!" Avery yelled. Dealing with the hyperactive spaz he called a brother was enough; he didn't need a depressed roommate to deal with.

"What!" Felix shouted back as he stumbled out of his dorm room and made his way over to his beta's dorm room. He had a disgruntled look on his face as he approached. Avery pointed to the deep brown wolf sprawled out on the floor.

"Deal with that, please." Avery said and when Felix looked, the deep brown wolf felt like crawling into a hole and dying because the future alpha began laughing his ass off. "This isn't funny Felix." Avery scolded.

The future alpha snorted covering his mouth with his hand as he tried to sober his laughter. However, it didn't work as Nate let out another high pitched whine causing the future alpha to burst into another fit of laughter.

"Felix." Avery muttered angrily.

"Oh; you're right. This is not funny." Felix said shaking his head. "Nothing's worse than a dominant moping-" Felix said sarcastically as he began laughing again.

"You're a fucking asshole..." Nate muttered. His heart was shredded.

How did this even happen? Was it even possible or had he just gotten the dates wrong? He didn't care; he was too heartbroken to even consider the chances of wrong dates. They were both sixteen; he was sure of it.

"Would you grow up? Deal with that please?" Avery retorted silencing Felix. The dominant boy huffed and looked over to the deep brown wolf on the carpet moping so hard it literally cast a depressing atmosphere on the entire dorm floor.

Walking in, he plopped down next to the depressed wolf.

"Okay, tell me what happened now."

The deep brown wolf looked up to his future alpha and whined again. It hurt so much. "He didn't know." Nate whined covering his eyes with his paws. He felt like crying and he probably would; but not in front of Felix. He'd never be able to live it down.

"Who didn't know what?" Felix asked in confusion arching a brow.

"Kian! He didn't know I'm his mate!" the dominant wolf cried curling into a tight ball, his bushy tail falling onto his face.

"Oh..." Felix mused. "Are you sure he's even sixteen yet?" Felix asked wanting to clarify. Nate nodded then whined again.

"He turned sixteen two days ago and I made sure I was there. H-he...he didn't even know." Felix arched a brow and glanced over to Avery who simply shrugged his shoulders shaking his head.

"How is that even possible?" Felix asked but more to himself as he tried to understand how it was that Kian didn't feel the pull of the mating bond. "Are you certain you felt the pull?" he asked and Nate shot him an annoyed glare.

An Omega Novel: Saviour (Book 2)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora