Our Wounds

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Title: Our Wounds
Danny Phantom
Words: 2,205
A/N: This is a one-shot I wrote a year ago. Oh lord, it's so cheesy >///<
Grammar might not be too on point, but it's decent.

Amity Park - Manson Estate, August 25, 2:06 a.m.

Sam Manson tossed and turned in her sleep, ruffling the bed sheets every time she moved. Trickles of sweat rolled down her forehead, and brushed past her tightly clenched eyelids. A soft whimper came out from her pale lips, and it made out a single word, 'Danny'.

It was clear she was having a nightmare. In her dreams, she was back to being the young age of seven; a time when she never had any friends to begin with. She was sitting on the ground, her purple dress spread out before her in a wide circle. She absentmindedly fingered through her long raven black hair, and made small braids here and there. All the while, her amethyst eyes scanned the playground far below the grassy hill she was on, with only a single lone tree for company.

She was just about to tie a purple hairband to secure a finished braid she deemed to be nicely done when a harsh wind ripped the hairband out of her pale fingers and swept it to the playground below. Her eyes followed the hairband as it was carried through the air. Her gaze didn't falter even when it landed directly in front of a surprised boy about her age.

She watched him pick it up and look around in confusion, until his eyes locked onto hers. Sam had never seen such a beautiful blue color in her life, and instantly, she felt herself immersed in them. She never even noticed the boy making his way up to her until he was standing directly in front of her. She squeaked in surprise as the boy knelt down, offering the purple hairband to her.

"Is this yours?" the boy asked, grinning at her. Sam softly nodded, and lifted her hands to cup them below the boy's outstretched hand holding the hairband. He dropped it into her hands, and Sam closed her fingers around it. She brought it to her chest, and smiled softly as her thanks.

She expected the boy to leave; to never glance her way again. That was why she was surprised when the boy didn't retract his outstretched hand; instead, he stretched his arm out even more.

"Hi, my name is Danny Fenton. Do you want to be my friend?" the boy grinned goofily at her, his hand hanging in anticipation.

Sam felt her heart skip a beat. To tell the truth, she was touched by his gesture. No one had ever asked that of her. She smiled the biggest smile in all her seven years of life, and grasped his offered hand.

The happy memory changed abruptly into a boring grey background. Sam was there, surrounded by the people who never accepted her individuality or her actions. They ranged from young childhood classmates to her parents. All of their actions and words degraded Sam until she struggled to breathe. She was swallowed in their shadows, leaving her grasping blindly around in desperation.

Sam felt like hours had passed by, until a bright light protruded out of the darkness. There stood Danny and Tucker smiling down at her. Hope filled her heart as she followed the light, and she reached out to their outstretched hands. Her fingers grasped onto Tucker's first, and then Danny's.

Tucker smiled down at her, and in a great flash of light, dissipated into sparkling ashes of light. Sam grabbed out to the ashes, tears threatening to fall from her widened eyes. Her mouth was open, but the only noise that came out were strangled screams.

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