Jackson shook his head and wiped the blood from under his nose. "I'm fine."

"I know you're fine," she emphasized. "But you still need to get yourself cleaned up. Come on. Let's get you to the locker rooms."

"Y/N..." Isaac pleaded.

"Isaac, don't," she growled as she flickered her yellow eyes at him.

Isaac stood back. He knew he had, not only pissed her off, but also screwed up. If he had known they were studying for their drama play, which Y/N had talked about countless times, he wouldn't have let jealousy get the best of him.

After the lacrosse game:

While waiting for Isaac at Scott's house, Y/N sat on the front porch swing, enjoying the nice fall weather as the swing slowly swayed back and forth. She heard a car driving down the street. Y/N covered her eyes with her hand as the headlights shone over before the car drove up the driveway. When the car turned off, she saw Scott and Isaac getting out of Melissa's car. Scott sensed the tension between the two best friends and immediately walked into his house, saying a quick 'hello' to Y/N before he walked in.

With his hands shoved into his gym shorts, Isaac slowly made his way to the swing. He pulled the strap of his duffle bag over his head and placed it on the porch before sitting next to her. She hadn't looked at him and he was scared to say something first.

Y/N wanted to talk to Isaac but she had no idea where to start. She was so confused as to why Isaac flipped out, but she was also angry with him. She didn't know where to start.

As they sat there in silence, Isaac spoke first. "Why didn't you go to the game?"

"I know this may sound childish, but I'm mad at you," she answered his question.

He nodded, fully understanding why she skipped out on his game. "I'm sorry," he mumbled softly, it was barely audible.

Although she heard him perfectly clear with her werewolf hearing, she needed to hear it louder. "I'm sorry, what?" She cupped her ear with her hand, pretending she didn't hear him.

Isaac sighed, knowing she was just making him work for it. "I'm sorry," he said louder. "I'm sorry for flipping out over nothing."

"See, that's what I don't understand, why you flipped out if you knew it was nothing," she pointed out. Isaac was about to say something but she continued. "But that's not what bugs me the most. You know Lydia is like a sister to me. I love her to death and the fact that you actually thought I would have the nerve to hurt her by kissing her boyfriend..." She trailed, leaving the sentence hanging, knowing Isaac had gotten the idea of what she meant.

Y/N let out a frustrated sigh. "That's what bugs me, Isaac."

"I'm sorry!" Isaac let out a frustrated groan. "I didn't mean it that way! I just got so jealous. Look at it from my perspective. What you guys were saying to each other and how you said it, only to see you two inches away from each other's faces, I couldn't help myself. I snapped!" Isaac's voice got louder after each sentence.

Y/N was confused as her eyebrows furrowed forward, wondering what Isaac was rambling about. "Why would you be-"

"Because I'm in love with my best friend," Isaac answered her question before she could finish it. Isaac bit his lip, wishing he could take it back as her heartbeat raced like wildfire. He couldn't tell if he had ruined their friendship or furthered it into something more.

"I'm sorry," Isaac shook his head. "It's okay if you don't-"

Y/N cut him off with her lips. Isaac's eyes widened at the quick and unexpected move, but instantly closed his eyes once he realized what was happening. He moved his lips in sync with hers, slowly and tenderly as he cupped her cheeks.

She pulled back and looked into his bright blue eyes with a smile. "I'm in love with my best friend too."

Y/N's cheeks began to flush as Isaac's lips form a smirk. She bit her lip, trying to control the butterflies swarming in her stomach.

"So, how did you do tonight?" She asked as she leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder.

Isaac's shoulders stumped forward as he let out a groan. "Ugh, I sucked."

He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in for a hug and burying his head at the crook of her neck, taking in the sweet floral scent perfume he had gotten her for her birthday not that long ago.

"Please don't ever miss one of my games again. I suck without my lucky charm," he mumbled against her neck.

She pulled back and playfully smacked his arm. "Well don't be such an idiot and do something stupid again," she smirked before leaning into his chest and wrapping her arms around his torso.

Isaac couldn't help but smile at her words as they both looked at the night sky above them. He knew everything was going to be okay, or rather better than before. He still had his best friend; she just had a different title now, his girlfriend. isaac lahey

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