After pulling away from Holden, I lean back, allowing my back to lay on the comfortable mattress. Holden copies me, both of us looking at each other as we lay facing the ceiling. I can still sense his anger, but it's much better than it was at the start of my story.

"I can't believe I'm fighting your brother in two weeks."

I roll my eyes, shoving Holden lightly. "I can believe that, actually. It feels like some sort of sick joke, but at least it fits with Eli's malicious personality. Having a kid, however, does not."

Holden shrugs as best as he can while laying down, causing a giggle to escape my mouth. He ignores my bit of laughter, talking over it. "Do you think he'll be like your dad?"

My body tenses; I hadn't even thought about the prospect of that. If Eli turns into the kind of father my dad was, that kid is a goner. The kid won't even be able to call protective services to help himself — he'd be put into foster care.

"I hope not. Eli should remember what it's like to be in a house like that. I don't see why he'd make his own kid suffer through it."

Silence lulls over me and Holden while both of us are stuck in our own thoughts. Regardless of my relationship with Eli, his child is still my family. I can't bear to think of him in a home like the one I grew up in.

"What will you do if Elijah's like your dad?"

I think over the question as several minutes pass. It's hard; I don't want any relationship with my brother, but I don't want my future niece or nephew in an environment like that. Plus, I don't even know if I could do anything.

"I guess I'll try and take custody. That may not even be possible, but the child will still be my family and I should have some right to him."


"Or her. Luke didn't specify the gender of the baby." I'm telling the truth as far as getting specifications, but I can't picture my brother having a baby girl and wanting to keep her. If he couldn't protect his little sister, he won't be able to protect a daughter.

We fall into another vat of silence as I get lost in my own head. I don't know how much time passes, but it's enough for my eyes to start drooping. I can feel the heaviness overtake my body as I go into a space of half-consciousness.

"Hey, T?"

"Hmm?" I crack my eyes back open but don't have enough energy to turn and face Holden. instead, I stare at the white ceiling while waiting for him to speak.

"You know you don't have to come to my match just because he's your brother, right?"

I force myself to roll over on my side, staring at Holden through my tired eyes. He looks just as equally exhausted, dark circles forming underneath his beautiful eyes.

"I'm not going because he's my brother, Holden."

Holden's eyebrows furrow together and I sigh before going into my explanation. "Apart from the fact that I like to watch you fight, I'm going to give you an advantage."

"That doesn't make sense."

Both of us are facing each other now and I've no doubt that I'm about to have to explain my entire plan to Holden. I knew I'd have to eventually; I only figured it would be when we were closer to the fight actually happening.

"Eli doesn't know we're together." Holden nods, obviously not understanding where I'm going with this. I sigh, continuing with my explanation.

"Since he still thinks Josh is training me, he expects to see me there to watch technique. I'm still his weakness, Holden. I'm what will throw him off balance."

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