Chapter 5

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The walk down the hallway seems much longer than usual, and Luke has already started the conversation for tonight. I catch a few words and know he's talking about his job, but I can't bring myself to actually focus on anything he's saying. I'm wound up. From Luke, from Holden, from this entire day.

I can't stop thinking about how Holden is still in my apartment.

I nod absentmindedly, giving Luke the impression that I'm hanging on to every single word he's saying. In reality, a scalding pair of green eyes won't leave my thoughts. I keep picturing the way Holden's muscles flexed as he paced up and down the parking lot, trying to control his anger. Or his determined look as he began to throw punches into the air. Or the way he watched me while I took care of him.

There are a lot of thoughts passing through my mind, but not once before a couple of hours ago did I believe that they would be about a certain curly haired boxer.

"Is the usual place all right?"

Luke snaps me out of my thoughts, bringing my attention back to the present. A present I honestly would rather avoid right now. I nod at him, ensuring that our usual little italian restaurant is fine.

Besides, I'm really in no position to argue with him tonight.

We finally reach his car in the parking lot, and I can't help but notice that he's parked only two spots away from Holden's black Range Rover. I glance at the car, mentally hoping that Holden notices his keys on the table in my kitchen. The Range Rover isn't normally there, and Luke is sure to have noticed its appearance. He always notices when things are out of place; always pays attention to the tiny details.

Luke climbs into his side of the car, revving up the loud engine as I help myself in. Another thing that was lost when Luke restored the relationship with his father was his chivalry. As far as he's concerned, opening up my door for me is a sign of feminine softness. And according to his father, that's a sign of weakness.

I feel the car shake as we back out of the parking lot, entering the constant traffic of New York. It's not too bad on a Thursday night, but it's bad enough to make any tourist cringe. I mentally sigh; a small part of me thought Holden would break his side of the agreement and come after us, but I didn't see him one time.

The window is surprisingly cool as I lean my head against it, allowing my eyes to flutter closed while Luke hikes up the volume of the radio. It's some pop song that I don't know the name of, and the beat alone begins to give me a headache. As much as I want to, there's no way I'm reaching over to turn it down.

As long as I behave, I'll get through this night without a scratch. That's how it works with Luke.

It seems like it took forever, but we finally arrive and I don't remember ever feeling so relieved. My seatbelt comes off easily and I practically throw myself out of the car and into the humid air. Luke comes around from the other side of the car, walking a bit in front of me as he always does.

We enter the restaurant as we do almost every Thursday night. The hanging lights seem brighter than usual, but I think it's just my headache from the music causing my eyes to be oversensitive. I keep my eyes trained to the floor, allowing Luke to take the lead as always.

It doesn't surprise me when we're immediately ushered to a table, despite the wait the restaurant clearly has.

As we follow the nice host to our table, I feel Luke's hand wrap around my bicep, squeezing a little too hard. I know he wants me to pay more attention, but it's hard to bring myself to. He drags me along with him, my feet stumbling slightly on the way.

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