sparks fly

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hey guys authors note

so just all characters (except a couple) and story line (might change a couple parts...) belong to j.k. Rowling she is super amazing read her books so yeah and I hope you enjoy this book

*** KAYLAS pov***

"kayla hurry up darling breakfast is almost ready." my mother hollered up the stairs

"mkay mum be there in a second-* I trailed off. I put on my jean overalls and a mint green top. I looked at my reflection the same ginger hair and emerald green eyes as always. I always found it weird how I look like NOT a single person in my entire family, my mum has blonde hair and brown eyes, my papa has black hair and blue eyes and my brother Jonah has blonde hair and blue eyes. I don't even look like any relatives...

I skipped down the stairs smelling the cinnamon buns cook in the oven and my mum and papa trying to get Jonah to talk "are you excited for your second year at Durmstrang" my papa asked Jonah who replied with a grunt "how about you kayla you excited to be going to Beauxbatons?" "papa she hasn't even gotten her acceptance letter. what if she's a squib?" Jonah said suddenly very interested in the conversation "nonsense Jonah we have seen her do magic before and if I dare say it I believe she is already doing better than you are now.''

"DO NOT SAY THAT ARE YOU CRAZY WHAT BEEN HIT WITH CRUCCIO TO MANY TIMES HUH?" Jonah screamed charging at mum. that's when something tore before I knew it I ran as fast as I could at Jonah and growled. he smashed into the cupboard a look of pure horror on his face as he started to crawl backwards away from me. I decided to stop and see why he was so scared like seriously im an 11 year old girl. I looked into a pot that Jonah knocked over I saw my same eyes same hair but there was something odd... hmm maybe it was the fact I was a flipping TIGER. I watched my self change back into my normal form and turned to look at my family "WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED" Jonah screamed.

at that moment my snowy owl Cheshire flew in and dropped something in my hands

"its your Beauxbatons letter!!!!" my mum screamed

"no its from somewhere else it says Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry... THATS WHERE ALBUS DUMBLEDOR IS HEADMASTER" Jonah screeched

"cut Beauxbatons she's going to Hogwarts its safer for her..."mum said with no sarcasm in her voice and in that moment I knew she was set on Hogwarts...

___________1 month later_______________

-----diagon alley----

"mum I need robes I cant wear your old ones cause you didn't go to Hogwarts" I said trying to explain to my mother


I skipped into a shop and a nice little old lady asked "Hogwarts dear?" I nodded and she put me on a stool and went to go get the material

"HELLO there'' I looked over to see a boy who looked my age

'' hello im Kayla and you are??"

"Gregory goyle but every calls my goyle..."

"well I will call you Greg because I don't like last names."

"what is your last name kayla Carmen..."

"are your parents Susan and Frit Carmen FAMOUS aurors?"

'' yup"

"you look nothing like them....."

"whats that have to do with anything....?"

before he could respond the lady working on my robes whisked me down and brought me to the till

"alright dear that will be 14 sickles"

I gave her the money and walked out to see my mom pointing at ollivanders "YAY WAND TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''

"hem I've been wondering when I would be seeing you miss." an old man said to me "here lets try this" he said pulling a wand of the billions of shelves "vine, dragon heartstring, 13 3/4 inches. well give it a try''

I lifted my arm up and a near by flower pot burst "WELL not this one evidentially. hmm I wonder... here try THIS ONE vine, unicorn hair, 11 inches, quiet good with DADA work..."

I took the wand and I felt sparks shoot up my arm "Ah perfect but quiet peculiar...."

"what is peculiar" I asked "oh your mother had the exact same wand except hers was 11 1/4 inches.. same unicorn and everything..."

I looked at my mom confused "I thought you had elder, phoenix feather, 14 1/2 inches good at charms?"

"umm Kayla lets go you need your sleep before you leave tomorrow....."

now I was just confused

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