Chapter 4

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The next morning I woke up feeling slightly better than the night before. I had a lot of time to think and I realized that I was being ridiculous. I have no ties to Caleb what's so ever, and he can do as he pleases. Not to mention that girl that was hanging on to him could very well be his girlfriend and then I'm the one who is being inappropriate.

That being said, I wasn't going to admit to myself that I wasn't a little relived when I saw Chloe's mom driving us to school. And to answer the question I wasn't going to ask, Chloe offered, "Caleb has practice today so mum will be taking us to and from school"

"Oh ok. Thank you again Mrs. Taylor for taking me, I really appreciate it"

"Any time dear" she smiled into the mirror.

"So I was thinking for next Friday we could totally rent a bunch of romantic movies to watch for the sleep over" Chloe said when we were on our way.

"That would be so cool" I replied with what I hoped was a smile. I was trying to get myself back to as normal as possible.

"And then I have this really cool nail kit..." Chloe rattled on while I just smiled and nodded. Even though I had admitted to myself that I was acting very foolish today I just couldn't seem to get myself into her high spirits.

Once we arrived at school we had a few minutes to hang out on a bench outside. The girls came over and met us soon enough.

The bell rang and we started to head into the school. That was until I was pretty much tackled into the ground. I tired to catch my breath as I looked up to see what fell on me.

"I'm so sorry love" this devilishly good looking guy said.

"You're crushing me" I wheezed out.

"Oh god" he realized and jumped up and pulled me with him. "I was just playing with my mate and didn't realize you were there. I didn't hurt you did I?"

"Ummm no, I think I'm ok"

"Good, wouldn't want to hurt a pretty little thing like you now would I?" He smiled at me. I blushed at this. "I'm Devon by the way. Haven't seen you around here"

"Hayley, and I just moved to town with my family"

"Well if you need a chap to show you around, just come find me" he smiled and winked as he was walking away.


"I need to start getting in the way of rugby players more often. Hayls how do you get two of the most popular guys in school to flirt with you all in your first week?" Amanda came to my side as we started walking in.

"One, Caleb will flirt with anything with boobs, we have already established that" Chloe said holding up one finger. "And two, you go girl, Devon is insanely cute and super nice" she finished holding up another finger and nudging my shoulder.

I just blushed and nudged her back as we neared class.

"I'm serious girl Devon would make a nice rebound, if you will, after your ex"

"I'm not looking for a rebound Chloe. But it couldn't hurt to see what's out there" I giggled next to her.


Sure enough as we sat down for lunch later that day Devon came walking right up to our table and plopped down next to me.

"Well I'm glad to see you were able to find your way, I was afraid I might have hurt you too badly" he smiled at me.

"Oh I think I'm ok. It's David right?" I smirked back at him.

He mock gasped and held his hand up to my forehead, "oh no! I must have gave you a concussion! That's the only way a girl forgets my name"

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