Chapter Six: Rejected by The Doctor

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I don't know what happened. I don't know why he was so cold towards me. I thought we had something together. That he liked me. I guess I was wrong, I was very wrong. One minute he's happy the next he's annoyed or sulking. I think he has an issue or something.

Rule one: The Doctor always lies. He never tells the truth... Rarely..

A little voice started to talk, I didn't know whether or not I was imagining it or if it was my own voice, but it made sense. Maybe The Doctor was hiding his feelings or maybe I was going all desparado on him.

I need to find out.

*** The Doctor's POV ***

I didn't want to be so cold to Millie. I mean, what good comes from running around with The Doctor? I know, I know I am mysterious. But I don't want to endanger her life. She has so much to do, places to see, people to meet and fall in and out of love with. That special person to get married to have kids. She could do all of those things in life. But not with me in the picture. Having companions isn't easy you know. Some become your best friends, when they die you feel.. empty. Some just don't know when to stop they end up killing themselves in the process and everything they could have done, they should have disappears. Then there is the ones that fall in love with you and a tiny piece of you just wants them too. You don't want to be alone for 900 more years. But if you fall in love with them it won't work. It can't. You would stay young and they would age. You would watch your loved one get older, and older and eventually die. Then you feel numb because the love of your life has died. And you wouldn't able to do anything about it. So I snapped at her. Told her she's going home. It would be best if she forgot me. The destroyer of worlds, the oncoming storm, The Doctor. People, my enemies, old flames. They could hurt me by hurting her and like I said she has a life to live. So why should I be selfish and please myself?

*** Millie's POV ***

I went to the room. As soon as we got back I went to the room and sat on the bed. I didn't feel like facing the crowd when The Doctor said we had to leave. I just wanted to wake up, for this to be all a dream. Unfortunately it wasn't. I just feel like punching The Doctor in his face. Just then, The Doctor came in. He gave me a weak smile.

"Are you ready to leave?"

"Are you capable of telling the truth?"

"What do you mean?"

" Rule one: The Doctor always lies. What does that mean?"

"Where did you hear that from? Who told you that?"

"I don't know. A voice in my head. So answer my question: Are you incapable of telling the truth?"

"I can tell the thuth. Sometimes people don't need to know it. There are occasions when they absolutely, positutely, need to know."

"Two things. One, I'm sure that positutely is not a valid word in the English dictionary. And two, how do you know when people need to know the truth or not?'

"I don't know but it is in their best interest."

"No it isn't I show you my affection and you reject me. Coldly. You didn't even consider how I would feel."

I started to walk away from The Doctor, I just had to get away from him. o could hear him calling me. But I didn't turn back, until I came face to face with some kind of robot. It reached out to me, and I thought it was friendly, it looked sad. But The Doctor swoops out of nowhere and points his metal screwdriver everywhere. The robot freezes.

" Why did you do that for it looked friendly! "

" Oh I'll tell you something... it's anything but friendly. "

" I don't understand. "

" You wouldn't. I didn't tell you about the  cybermen. "

" Cybermen.. "

A wave of pain came over me all I remember is that The Doctor tried to help and asked me what was happening. I collapsed shortly after he muttered a word.


Hoping you guys are enjoying the book. currently have writer's block. Argggh. Kibda annoying but I am trying my best so pwease pwease bear with me.

love ya loads C xxx

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