Chapter Five: Falling in love with The Doctor

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I woke up and looked at the clock it was 11o'clock. I was in The Doctor's arms. He held me tightly and had a smile on his face. He looked so sexy. God he knew how to smile. If that makes sense.... I wanted to get up but I didn't want to wake him up, he looked so peaceful. I moved slightly. He moved. I rolled out from his arms and landed on the floor. The Doctor had woken up. He was now looking at me, confused.

" Why are you on the floor Millie? "

" I woke up and your arms were around me. I didn't want to wake you up so I rolled out and fell."

" Oh. I wouldn't have minded. Thanks though. So what are we going to eat? "

" We need to get changed first and brush our teeth! I'll shower first, okay?"

Before he could reply I was in the shower.

While I was in the shower, I couldn't help but think about me being in The Doctor's arms. He was even smiling and thinking about it made me feel all bubbly inside. I just couldn't stop thinking about him. When I got out of the shower he was already dressed.

" Why are you dressed? You didn't even take a shower.. "

" Well I took a shower in the Tardis. Snuck out so no one saw me. "

"Okay. Look away for about... 10 minutes? "

" Why? "

" I need to get changed. "

The Doctor made an 'O' shaped face and looked away.

I'm not sure if The Doctor looked at me while I changed. But he's not like that. I think. When I was done we went out for breakfast. I did not particularly enjoy it. It was a bit weird but alright. I wanted to go out so The Doctor and I had to make up an excuse.

" My wife and I have to take our leave now. We have some important business to take care of. "

The Doctor and I went to Stratford. It looked really weird. I spent my childhood here. It brought back so much memories even though it looked so different from how I remember it.

I don't know why we were here but I was enjoying being here. I just stood around while The Doctor kept on fiddling with his sonic screwdriver. He was following some sort of line.

"Whatcha doing? "

"  I am currently looking for some sort of clue that would answer the question. "

" What question? "

" The question. You know, did the Tardis bring us here? "

I didn't even know what he said I was too busy focusing on his nice plump lips. I don't know why but I kissed him. I walked over and kissed The Doctor. He was surprised at first and eased into it. Then he pulled away and looked sad. He kissed my forehead.

" You can't do this. It won't work, I'm over 1000 years old! "

" So does it matter? I like you. I don't like people I just. You know. "

" You can't. I shouldn't have done this I'm going to take you home. "

I started to cry.

" What about the people in the palace? "

I hope that he would let me stay. But he turned around and walled forward a little. He turned his head to the side.

" Don't worry about them,  I'll sort it out. "

I felt hurt, he said that so coldly. Like I was a piece of trash to him. The ride back was short but quiet. The Doctor kept his distance and we only talked at the dinner table to keep up the charade. When it was time to sleep he didn't get into to bed to protect me. He just stood outside in the porch, looking at the starts.

A/N: Argggh! Is Millie going to go home? Is The Doctor going to find what he is looking for? Stay tuned!

Fezzes, Time Lords and two hearts.

Love Cxxx :p

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