Chapter 2

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Hey so how do yall lile it so far this story was something my friends wanted me to do so see you soon

Tay pov
"Ok yall i have to go to my class" i said we have three class together then the rest of the classes were split. "Ok see you" everyone said .

Eww i hate science its always this girl who picking her noise like can you go to the bathroom anyway. i sitting in class listening to my teacher about stuff we don't even have to use when we get older so i just put headphones in my ear.

it was on high so i really cant hear anything i looked to my side to see a person sitting next to me. He smiled i rolled my eyes and waited till the end of the day. when the bell rang i boy up and the boy grab my arm. i took out my headphones and said "let me go".

he did and i started to walk when he called my name "Tajana" i turned around and said" what did you call me".

"Now you want to listen Tay".he said "No so say what you said so i can beat your ass". I said getting in his face

Move back bitch he said pushing me thats when my boyfriend came in. "What the fuck is going on". Trey said walking in
"Well your girlfriend came on to me". The boy said" what i don't know you your the one that keep grabbing my arm.

I said standing up i smiled and said " and i told you i was 
going to beat your ass thats why you pushed me".

"Your ass touch my girl again and were going yo have  problems". Trey said i walk up the boy and grab his collar. And punched him, he flew back.

"Dong touch me again " i said walking
to Trey and him putting me on his back as we left school. "Im driving you to the pack house. Trey said .

I nodded and said ok. We left and went to the pack house that was next door to my friend and Luke's house. We walk in and i kiss him bye and went to the kitchen were Tasha was.

"Tasha do you want to go to the club. She looked and me and said " fuck yea i want to go". "Ok I'm going to tell Makaly and Lupita then were all going over Zakaiy house".

"Ok ". I walk to Lupita room while Tasha walked to Makaly. "Lupita are you in there "i asked opening the door

"Yea what you want" damn cant get a hey" i said . She looked at me then smiled" what do you want bitch" she said.

Ok i was going to ask you do you want to go clubbing if you do lets go right know because were  going to Zakaiy's house.

She went Vampires speed (oh zakaiy didnt tell you oh i will me and Zakaiy and Makaly are wolfs . And Lupita and Tasha are vamipres).

Ok I'm ready lets go" she said . Ok lets go when we got downstairs makaly and Tasha were downstairs waitting.

"Ok lets go" is said. We walked to Zakaiy's house and there door was unlocked like always.

"Why don't yall knock" Luke said. Because your door be open" Lipita said we all laughed as he stuck up his middle finger and called Zakiya.

Oh yea since Zakiy didnt tell you want she looked like she had brown hair light skin and was 5'3 and had brown eyes.

"What" she said. Were going clubbing and don't get no attitude " i said "Ok say no more come on lets go get ready"."Ok" we said we walked to her room and sat on the bed who getting dressed first.

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