13 Body scans, tentacles & guards

Start from the beginning

"Dude we are all going to have sick ass tans when we come back." He exclaimed.

I nodded, he started swaying us a little bit so I joined in as we stood there moving gently from side to side in a kind of bouncy motion.

"We're gonna have sick tans. Sick tans, sick tans, sick tans. We might look like burnt potatoessss." He sings in a silly way.

"Yeah but we will be hot potatoes!" Jack laughed.

Alex started laughing and he left me to go over to jack and they started dancing stupidly together as they sung some song about hot potatoes.

I stood quietly as I watched everyone else chatted loudly.

We heard the voice over the speakers announce that our flight would be ready to board soon.

"God were is that boy." Brendon said aloud as he looked at his watch.

"We could pick up so many hot chicks." Jack laughed out.

"The only person who'll be picking up hot chicks will be me." Brendon winked as he ran a hand through his hair and let out a laugh.

"The only thing close to a chick you'll probably get, will be an octopus or something." Jack teased.

"Yeah just imagine that, rubbing her tentacles all over you." Alex laughed as he made kissing noises and rubbed his hands all over brendon like an octopus.

I let out a little laugh at how hilarious these bunch of freaks are.

The laughing soon stopped when we heard a ruckus. We all turned to see two large security guards hauling some guy along towards us.

"Look alrighty fellas you don't need to manhandle me, I can take it from here." The familiar voice said to the uniformed men.

"Quiet down." One of the guards ordered.

"Look those are my friends right there! Owch gosh you guys are strong." He spoke.

He pointed to us with his leg before the men dragged him along in our direction.

Brendon stepped forth with a charmed grin as he placed a hand on one on the officers shoulders.

"Are you with this man?" The officer asked in a serious tone with his deep voice.

"Yes sir. No need to worry, we can take it from here. Officer Urie,' brendon spoke in a charming way as he pulled out his police badge smoothly. "At your service."

The guard grunted and reluctantly let go of his perp and so did the second guard.

The trouble maker flexed his arms and rubbed his upper arm as he eyed the bigger officer.

"Keep an eye on him." He ordered before he turned and walked off with the other guard.

"Yes sir." Brendon chuckled lightly as they left.

Him and the pink haired criminal joined the rest of us.

"Alrighty guys, this handsome guy here is josh and he's coming along with us." Brendon told us all as he slapped Josh's back.

My insides twisted and bubbled as I fumed.

"Nice entrance." Jack teased.

Josh gushed and laughed a little as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Yeah dude what the hell did you do?" Austin laughed.

I saw alan, who was snuggling up to Austin's side, glancing in my direction.

"I tried to steal the stapler at the front desk and then everyone thought I had a gun or something when I slipped it into my pocket, so I was thrown on the ground by security, and because I tried to steal something they thought I was suspicious. So after a lot of questioning, a background check and a naked body search, they escorted me to you guys." Josh laughed as he look at us.

His eyes finally locked with mine as he noticed I was amongst the group.
We watched each other and everyone gave us weird looks.

Then Josh's face broke out into grin.
"Baby boy?" He smiled.

I cracked right then and there. I fell onto my knees and yelled to the heavens.
"Why god! What I have I ever done to you to deserve this punishment! Ive been good I swear! Why must you torture and make me suffer this way!" I cried dramatically as i dropped my fist on the ground, not even caring about the weird looks everyone in the waiting area was giving me.

"Well...I take it you two already know eachother." Brendon commented in amusement.

I shot my gaze up at Brendon who had an amused smile playing on his lips.
"Come on guys it's time to board the plane." He announced.

Everyone buzzed with excitement as they all started walking off. Josh stretched his hand down to me to help me up.

"I can do it myself." I mumbled as I got up and quickly joined the others with josh trailing at my side.

Walking down the long corridor everyone buzzed with excitement. Jack and alex were making weird hooting noises, austin was carrying alan on his back and brendon was mumbling some song about being victorious.

As we were about to step onto the plane josh turned to me with his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Fiji here we come."


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