RoadTripStuck (Can Be Humanstuck???)

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(Yeah most of these are humanstuck, I'm soRRY BUT I GUESS... This one can be normal too? I'm not sure. Whatever. *flails* whatever your preferences are.

Today was a very exciting day for Kankri. He had never been on a road trip before, let alone with a friend (Matesprit?? Eh, I'll let you decide if they're official yet.). Regardless, he was looking forward to several days on the road with them, just to reach their final destination. Now that he thought about it, he wasn't quite sure where they were actually going. Maybe they were just going for a drive without a destination? That could be it, but he didn't really care. He volunteered to drive first, even though driving gave him slight anxiety, he was going to conquer his fear of the road one way or another. His grip tightened around the steering wheel as he stared at the road in front of the vehicle with a determined expression, pressing down on the gas pedal with his foot. This marked the beginning of a journey that most likely will never be forgotten.

(I've realized they're all relatively the same length? I don't know what the deal is with that but anyway, here, take this.

Homestuck Roleplay Starters GaloreWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt