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In three steps, Bo was with him. 'Falmagic? You mean the attack on your castle? That wasn't pirates?'

Olle shook his head, surprised by the young mage's reaction. It occurred to him he had told them more about that idiotic boar hunt than about Tinnurad's destruction. The fall of the castle and his mother were both dangerous grounds, things he didn't want to talk about. 'Golems, and a flock of birds that set everything on fire. Phoenixes, Hemplock called them. In Haspen, we found two golems and a dead man in a black robe. One just like you are wearing, Bo, only less... grand. He wore a gold necklace with a black crystal pendant. A control for the golems, Hemplock said. If you want to see it, Ghyll has the thing in his luggage upstairs.'

Bo looked ill, his languid pose gone. 'We must go home! Semelda will know what to do.'

'As soon as Ghyll is back on his feet and fit to travel, you can leave,' Niella said. She looked at Olle. 'The temple authorities teach us that the Hamorth, what you called the Black Order, no longer exists. All sorcerers died in the Fall of Abarran and in the purges that followed. Still, we have all heard rumors about a new organization, one that calls itself the Dar'khamorth.'

Her cousin nodded. 'I know these stories. The Dar'khamorth, the new Order of the Revenaunt Emperor. I thought they were just tales, and now you tell me it's all true!'

Niella looked troubled. 'I don't think it's a good idea to discuss these things out in the open. You never know who is listening.' With a gesture of finality, she slipped the Gray amulet into a pouch from her belt and handed it to Olle. 'Keep it safe. I am sure the owner will come to reclaim it soon. It emanates so much power that he will feel lame and blind without it. As for the Dar'khamorth, Aunt Semelda will know.' She gave Bo back his athame and then handed the dagger to Olle. 'I am sorry; it needs regrinding. I noticed too late what I was digging up. The magic of the amulet eats away iron, that's why I used Bo's silver knife.'

Olle saw the tip of the blade had melted like candle wax. 'No matter,' he said. 'I can do that myself. I hung around Tinnurad's smithy long enough. Now you must come and look at what I found.'

A little further on, in the mud of the path that led into the woods, they saw tracks.

'Look at that,' Bo whispered. 'Surely they're not cat paws?'

Olle nodded. 'Mountain lion. You can see the imprint of the heel and four toes. At least we know what animal slaughtered the man under the bushes.'

Bo swallowed hard. 'Those paws... how large would that animal be?'

'Much larger than usual, three to four feet high, I guess.' Olle had his hand at waist level.

'By the Magma, what a monster. You live exciting lives!' The young mage still looked pale.

Olle nodded. 'It wasn't our idea,' he said. 'Do you want to pull out?'

Bo gave him an indignant look. 'Of course not! I said that I'm coming along and I will.'

Olle looked at him. The fine fellow sounded brave enough, but it remained to be seen how he held himself when things got rough. Then he looked around. 'Where's Damion?'

'Over there, against that tree, with his eyes closed.' Niella nodded toward a large copper beech. 'Is he asleep?'

Olle raised his eyebrows, unsure what to think. 'I'll have a look.'

When he got close, Damion opened his eyes. 'I can still hear them,' he said.

'Hear who?'

'The animals,' he said as he closed his eyes again.

RHIDAUNA, The Shadow of the Revenaunt, Book 1Where stories live. Discover now