The Tri-Wizard Tournament

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Chapter 2

            Tri-Wizard Tournament  

“Anything from the trolley?” A small witch asked, stopping in front of the compartment. Siri, Ron and I stood up. I was about to get there first when Siri tripped me.

“Sorry Potter!” She laughed before Ron fell to the ground to, sprawled on the floor while Siri rolled her eyes.

“Bloody hell!” Ron exclaimed, rubbing his back as we helped each other up. I turned and saw Siri walking back with three chocolate frogs.

“Sorry!” She laughed, though her eyes sparkled with humor. I smiled.

“No problem, just don’t be so.... Sirius when it comes down to it.” I said, using her father’s name on purpose. From what I have heard of him from both Siri and Lupin, before Azkaban you did not want to be on his bad side. You may wake up one day with a pie hanging over your face. Lupin learned from experience. 

“I can’t help it, it’s in my blood!” She claimed as I walked up to the trolley.

“Anything from the trolley, dears?” The woman asked, and Ron started speaking.

“Packet of Drooble’s.... and a Licorice wand.” He said before looking at his cash and  grimacing. “On second thought, just the Drooble’s.”

I made a reach for some galleons to help him out, but he stopped, holding a hand over my arms.

“It’s all right, I’ll get it. Don’t worry. Just the Drooble’s.” He said, and the witch handed them to him.

“Thanks!” Ron called, walking back to his compartment. A second later Cho Chang walked up with one her friends, her brown eyes sparkling.

“Two pumpkins pasties please.” She asked, smiling at me. I smiled back.

“Thank you.” Cho said to the witch before walking back to her compartment with her friends.

“Anything sweet for you dear?” The witch asked, turning to me.

“Oh, no, I’m not hungry. Thank you.” I muttered as the witch  nodded and walked off to the other compartments.

I walked into our compartment to see Siri handing a bulging letter to  a speckled grey owl with huge orange eyes and little ears.

“Whose’s is that?” I asked, as she tied the letter to it’s leg. Siri smiled.

“Harry, Marauder. Marauder, Harry.” She introduced as I sat down next to her, and the owl cocked it’s head at me, it’s pretty orange eyes wide.

“Dad and Lupin gave it to me over the summer while they were sending letters, said he didn’t have a name and that I could keep him.” She explained, before hugging the owl gently, who nestled into the crook of her arm.

“He’s actually a very cuddly owl, loves being held. Not now, Marauder! Take this to Snuffles and Romulus.” She asked, and the owl hooted before flying out the window.

“What did you send them?” Hermione asked, and Siri shrugged.

“Two chocolate frogs and just telling them what’s been going on. They appreciate it, being that dad’s on the run and Moony is with him. They can’t exactly walk into the nearest  wizard store and ask for a paper. I just wish I had a better news to tell them.” Siri sighed, and Hermione nodded.

“It’s horrible! How could the ministry not know who conjured it! Wasn’t there any security, or..” Hermione trailed off, lost for words.

“Loads, according to dad. That’s what worried them so much, happened right under their noses.” Ron explained, and I put a hand to my head as the scar burned. I tried to pass it off as a wave but Hermione caught on.

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