"No no no, not today you're have a complete breakfast (Y/N)," Steve said as he reached for the box in your flesh hand.

You jump back 4 feet as his hand was in front of you, dropping the precious box of poptarts in the process.

You both look down at the box then back at each other. You try to grab the box, but Steve already knew what you were going to do so he grabbed it before you did.

You pouted and glared at him. He sighed.

"Come on, you can watch me cook the breakfast if you don't trust me," he said as he walked back to the stove where he had pancake mix.

You watched him intensely as he ripped open the package and poured some into a cup, he added water and started stirring until there was no longer powder, then he separated them into different bowls. One had blueberries, another had chocolate bits, and the last one was a good old-fashioned pancake. He started to pour the blueberry filled mixture into a pan with a bit of oil on the bottom.

"What's that?" You asked as you got close to him. He blushed a bit.

"It's called pancakes, have you never had any?" He inquired, you shake your head no.

"I'll also make some bacon and sausages, which on would you like" he smiled.

"I guess I'll have (pick your choice)," you say as you go to the table and sit.

You attempt to try and reach for the poptart, but he sees your hand and hits your hand with his spatula. You withdrawal your hand and hiss at the little red mark on your hand.

The food is done, he starts to brew some coffee and sets up the table as that brews.

"Do you want coffee, apple juice, orange juice, tea?" He asked as he set your (choice of pancake) in front of you.

"Uh... I'll try some of that coffee thing," you say as everyone finally wakes up and goes into the kitchen.

"Aw fuck yeah! Cap's cooking! His cooking is always the best!" Sam and Clint yell as they race to their seats.

"Mmm still the better cook, huh Stevie,
better then any dame I've ever met," Bucky sniffs at the air.

"BROTHER STEVE YOUR COOKING IS SIMPLY THE BEST, BETTER THAN ANY ASGARDIAN CHEF, IF I DO SAY," Thor boomed as Loki smiled as he nodded, agreeing with his idiot for a brother, or so he says.

Everyone agreed with Thor. Steve was beet red as he heard those comments. You and the Doctor sat at the corner of the table, still a bit separated from the rest of the team. Wanda and Pietro go to sit by you. Pietro pouts as Wanda quickly takes the seat next to you.

"The fastest man in the world lost his seat to me~" she sang quietly so only he could hear.

"Shut it," he says as he digs into his food. Thor and Loki go to sit by you as well.

Steve give you your coffee. You take a sip, then it turns into 7 huge gulps.

"THIS DRINK I LIKE IT! ANOTHER!" You boomed as you smash the cup and the ground, scarring everyone.

"God damn it, Thor, Loki did you teach (Y/N) this," Tony glares at them.

They beamed at their creation.

"Yes, we most certainly did," Loki laughed.

Everyone glared at them, while you, Thor, and Loki smiled at each other.

"Haha, hey Tony why don't we make a cleaning bot," Bruce jested.

"Ew, no, my house is not going to be like those classic scientific houses in the movies," Tony said with his face scrunched up into a funny face.

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