Chapter 12

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"Soooo walking around gawking at random expensive things in a window, is fun?" You asked looking at people cautiously, gripping your left gloved hand.

"Yes, and we can afford any or all of them because we've got good ol' Tony Stark here," Clint smiled and patted Tons shoulder.

You and Natasha walked slowly behind the boys. The boys were chattering about clothes and other things.

"Hahaha I think the girl were supposed to be the one gushing about clothes," Natasha laughed, pointing at the boys.

"Natalia," you say a bit of a Russian accent.

"How do you know my name?" She asked surprised

"I've seen a file that one of my fellow experiment was using for a mission," you explained, looking at her smiling face reminded you of a picture you once saw.

"And that mission was..." She waited for you to answer.

"To assassinate you, I don't know why but to send a newly trained assassin to assassinate an assassin is pretty ridiculous," you say waving it off.

"Hahaha I guess that weird guy that was stalking me was your so called "assassin"," she smiled

"Yeah," you slightly grinned

"OH MY GOODNESS! Ladies you need to go in this store," Tony gasped as he harshly ushered both you and Natasha into a fancy looking store.

"Tabitha can you please hook these two fine ladies with some clothes," Tony winked at a girl that you assumed was Tabitha.

"Sure thing Tonyyy," the girl giggled as she pulled you and Natasha in the back room.

"Alright what's your favorite color," she asked a bit less perky than when she greeted.

Natasha said red and was put into another room to change and that left you with Tabitha.

"Uh... B-black and u-um... (f/c)?" You said quietly.

"Ok, wait here," she said deadpanned.

You looked up and see a little chandelier dangling down so elegantly. It kind of reminded you of something or someplace. A horrible place.

Just as you were about to remember something the girl walks in and throws the clothes at you.

"Hurry up and go change," she hissed.

As you hurried to the dressing room, but before you closed the curtain you heard her quietly hiss.

"Why did I get stuck with a stupid one,"

You quick closed the curtain behind you with a pang in your chest. You gave a saddened sigh and began to remove your shirt and you realize that the shirt she gave you was short sleeved. Your metal arm would show.

"Um c-can I have a longer sleeve shirt," you asked as your head sticked out from behind the curtain.

"Ugh that shirt is fine, why do you want another?" Tabitha asked annoyed as she ripped open the curtain she sees your arm. Her green eyes widen and you quickly grab your jacket to cover up.

"EW!!! What are you?!" She screeched backing away from you.

"Wait, please don't scream," you say gently as you got closer to her.

"EW!!! Don't touch me you monster," she screamed, but stops as soon as she realized what she just said. She looks up to you and sees that you were about to run, but she grabs your flesh arm tightly.

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